How much does a Ninjato cost?

An authentic Katana that is handmade in Japan is called nihonto. Often, these would usually cost around $12,000 to $25,000 and higher.

Is Katana better than Ninjato?

Sword Materials The process of creating a Katana requires the use of higher-quality steel. It’s compared to the Ninjato that was often made of inferior steel. For the Ninjato, it’s simple and quite crude, unlike the Katana; hence, why it was considered inferior to the other.

How much is a real samurai katana worth?

Authentic katana swords are difficult to come by and can cost anywhere from US$4,000 up to US$10,000 and even higher.

How much are authentic samurai swords worth?

An authentic Samurai sword, hand made in Japan (called a Shinken 真剣), can easily cost US$12,000 to $25,000 and up. Chinese made production level approximations are typically at least $1,000-$2,500 for something reasonably ‘traditional’.

Is the ninjato real?

It’s safe to say that the ninjatō is currently a real sword in the sense that several companies produce and sell it. However, there’s still no definitive evidence indicating that it existed during feudal Japan. Perhaps the evidence was lost over the years, or maybe the sword didn’t appear until recently.

Are katanas banned in Japan?

But the famous Japanese swords have actually been banned in public since 1876, when the Meiji restoration abolished the warrior class. Even today, katanas are covered by the Swords and Firearms Possession Control Law, which forbids carrying them out in the open.

What is a samurai katana sword?

The Samurai Katana sword was the primary weapon worn by the Samurai, it features a single edge curved blade with hand guard, the blade measures over 60.6 centimeters and the handle is large enough to accommodate both hands.

Why does a katana have two mekugi pegs?

This allows the Katana for increased force leveraged through the handle against any resistance of the material cut by its blade. On most of our swords, the Tang is being held by 2 Mekugi pegs, on shorter blades like the Tanto we sometime use 1 Mekugi peg.

How many folds of steel are there in a katana?

Our standard is 13 folds, which creates 8192 layers of steel. If you are looking for a traditional looking blade with folded pattern, then you can choose one of our folded steel Katana swords from your preferred type of steel at the custom sword pages.

Are there any real handmade samurai swords for sale?

Each Katana is handmade and hand sharpened, the swords are well balanced, flexible and will feel good in your hands. If you are considering it as a gift for someone close, these are real handmade Samurai swords for sale that will make every sword enthusiast thrilled.