How much does a new Scamp trailer cost?

How much does a 13 foot Scamp trailer cost?

Scamp Trailer Model Price for a new trailer without add-ons
Scamp 13′ Bath Package $7,900 to $13,895
Scamp 13′ Deluxe Bath Package $12,600 to $20,800
Scamp 13′ Deluxe Front Dinette $8,500 to $15,600
Scamp 13′ Package $7,500 to $11,900

Is a Scamp a good trailer?

I would give the Scamp 16′ Travel Trailer a 4 out of 5 stars as it is lightweight and durable though not of the very highest construction quality. After all, they do try to keep it as light as possible.

How much does a 2020 16 Scamp trailer cost?

The basic price of a 16 foot Scamp trailer is $11,600 and the costs will go up depending on the number of amenities you plan on adding to your trailer. The 16′ Scamp has five different layouts, they can also be custom-built to what you want.

What does a Scamp 16 cost?


Suggested List Price Average Retail
Base Price $16,395 $14,200
Options (Add)
Total Price $16,395 $14,200

How big is the bed in a Scamp?

The bed in a Scamp trailer can have one of the following three dimensions: 42”, 44” or 54”. When building your Scamp trailer, you have the option of choosing the size of your bed as well. Each Scamp trailer, even the 13 Standard can have a bed as big as 54”.

How long is the wait for a Scamp trailer?

Scamps don’t stay on the market long as they are in demand. To buy a new one always requires a long wait time, and currently, in 2022, the wait is two years. That’s a small testament to how in-demand Scamps and other fiberglass RVs are. Below is Scamp’s video about their trailers.

Are Scamp trailers insulated?

In 1986 Scamp went to the hull liner (rat fur) and reflectix insulation as they now use. Before then they used ensolite a thin foam with a vinyl covering mostly to deal with condensation. The reflectix they use is double layer bubble which is thicker than what I have seen in other trailers.