How much does a 4×8 sheet of HardiePanel weigh?

Hardieplank weighs 2.3 lbs per square foot.

How much does a sheet of Hardie board cost?

Hardie Board siding also has a high ROI and can boost your home’s resale value. The average cost to reside a 1,500 sq. ft….Hardie Board Siding Cost vs. Vinyl vs. Fiber Cement vs. Wood.

Material Cost per sq.ft. Cost to install 2,000 sq.ft.
Hardie Board siding $7 – 13 $14,000 – 26,000

What is the difference between Hardie HZ5 and HZ10?

The HZ5 line works best for extremely cold areas and places that experience huge variations in temperature. The HZ10 line is much better for humidity and rain, and houses that experience a great deal of exposure to the sun.

Do you nail or screw Hardie board?

Fasten HardieBacker sheets with proper nails or screws (as listed in ”Materials Required” in the backer installation instructions) every 8” around the perimeter and all supporting studs. Keep fasteners between 3/8” and 3/4” from sheet edges and 2” in from sheet corners.

Does hardiplank come in 4×8 sheets?

HardiePanel vertical siding is 5/16 in. thick and is available in 4×8, 4×9 and 4×10 sizes.

What size do Hardie panels come in?

HardiePanel vertical siding is 5/16 in. thick and is available in 4×8, 4×9 and 4×10 sizes. Please see your local James Hardie dealer for texture and size availability. HardiePanel vertical siding is available as a prefinished James Hardie® product with ColorPlus® Technology.

Is Hardie panel waterproof?

Tested & Proven Waterproofness No water penetration through Hardie® Backer Board with HydroDefense™ Technology during 48-hour hydrostatic test. HardieBacker® Cement Board with HydroDefense™ Technology is a long-lasting, waterproof solution for walls, floors, and countertops.

Can you pressure wash HardiPlank?

The manufacturer recommends that you do not pressure wash your Hardie siding. The hard spray of water from the power washer can damage the surface of the siding.

How often does Hardie board need painting?

every ten to twenty years
Hardie Plank is also called fiber cement siding. While it’s far heavier than aluminum, vinyl or wood, it is extremely durable and typically only needs a new paint every ten to twenty years for maintenance. It is one of the best materials and long-term solutions for protecting your home.