How much does a 2x6x10 pressure treated weight?

Average Southern Pine 2×6 Weight

Average Southern Pine 2×6 Weight (in pounds)
Nominal Size Kiln-Dried Weight (1.97 PLF) Pressure-Treated Weight (3.2 PLF)
2x6x8 15.76 25.6
2x6x10 19.70 32.0
2x6x12 23.64 38.4

How much does a 10 pressure treated 4×4 weigh?

A 4 in. x 4 in. x 10 ft. timber can weigh approximately 31 pounds when it is completely dry (no moisture content) and weigh between 41 and 48.5 pounds when the timber is new pressure treated for above or below ground.

How much does a 2x6x12 pressure-treated board weigh?

A pressure-treated 2×6 weighs about 3.2 pounds per board foot compared to the 2 pounds a kiln-dried 2×6 weighs. This difference adds up quickly when applied to full-length 2×6 boards. A kiln-dried 2x6x8 weighs about 16 pounds, while a pressure-treated 2x6x8 weighs around 26 pounds.

How much does a 16 foot pressure-treated 6×6 weigh?

Table of Pressure-Treated Lumber Weights

Weight of Pressure-Treated Lumber
4 x 16 3.5 inch x 15.25 inch 27.06 lbs
6 x 6 5.5 x 5.5 15.33
6 x 8 5.5 x 7.25 20.20
6 x 10 5.5 x 9.25 25.77

How much does a pressure-treated 2x4x8 weigh?

A kiln-dried 2x4x8 weighs around 11 pounds or about 1.3 pounds per square foot. Kiln-dried wood is ideal for building furniture as it is more stable than green lumber, while it is more likely to warp and twist as it slowly dries.

How much does a 16 foot pressure-treated deck board weigh?

Per Unit Weight 16′ 24 lbs.

How do you calculate the weight of lumber?

A: Calculate weight, Mike, using the formula: density × volume. Well-dried, seasoned oak has of a density of about 3.6 pounds per board foot. Now find the board footage of your lid by multiplying its length, width, and thickness, and dividing by 144.

How much weight can a 6×6 post support vertically?

The load capacity of a 3-foot #2 grade 4×4 is 17,426 pounds, and a similar 6×6 is 20,834 pounds or 16% better. However, an 8-foot 4×4 supports 6468-pounds and 2339-pounds at 14-feet, while a 6×6 is 18032 and 10550-pounds respectively – or 64% and 78% more load capacity.

How much does a 4×4 pressure-treated post weigh?

Table of Pressure-Treated Lumber Weights

Weight of Pressure-Treated Lumber
4 x 12 3.5 x 11.25 11.33
4 x 14 3.5 x 13.25 13.34
4 x 16 3.5 inch x 15.25 inch 15.35 lbs
6 x 6 5.5 x 5.5 8.69

How much does a pressure-treated 2x6x8 weigh?

A kiln-dried 2x6x8 weighs about 16 pounds, while a pressure-treated 2x6x8 weighs around 26 pounds.

How much does a 12 foot pressure treated deck board weigh?

Treated Wood A 12-foot length of treated, yellow pine 5/4-by-6 decking will weigh an average of 13.87 pounds (within a range of 10.65 to 17.08 pounds).