How much do Air Force officers get paid?

The salaries of Air Force Officers in the US range from $21,238 to $561,585 , with a median salary of $101,906 . The middle 57% of Air Force Officers makes between $101,910 and $254,925, with the top 86% making $561,585.

How much do you get paid after 20 years in the Air Force?

Defined Benefit: Monthly retired pay for life after at least 20 years of service (so if you retire at 20 years of service, you will get 40% of your highest 36 months of base pay).

How much do you make in the Air Force after 10 years?

Air Force Enlisted Basic Pay Rates

Years of Experience E-1 E-2
Over 8 $1,833 $2,055
Over 10 $1,833 $2,055
Over 12 $1,833 $2,055
Over 14 $1,833 $2,055

How much does the Air Force pay per month?

How Much Do Air Force Jobs Pay per Month?

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $123,000 $10,250
75th Percentile $83,500 $6,958
Average $67,202 $5,600
25th Percentile $35,500 $2,958

What is the Air Force starting salary?

A Airman Basic is a enlisted airman in the United States Air Force at DoD paygrade E-1. A Airman Basic receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $1,833 per month, with raises up to $1,833 per month once they have served for over 2 years.

Does Air Force have pension?

After retirement from the service, An IAF Officer is entitled to a decent pension which takes care of the needs of the family.

What is the retirement age of Air Force?

Retirement Age for Permanent Commissioned Officers

Air Chief Marshall 62 years or three years of tenure, whichever is earlier
Air Marshall 60 years
Air Vice Marshall 58 years
Air Commodore 56 years for Flying Branch and 57 years for other branches
Group Captain (Select) 54 years for Flying Branch and 57 years for other branches

Does Air Force get paid more?

The U.S. Air Force salary per month is the same as the U.S. Army. Pay in each of the five American military services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) is based on a combination of rank (pay grade) and time in service.

Do Air Force get paid more than army?