How much did Nike pay its workers in Indonesia?

After 11 months of negotiation, a Nike supplier factory has agreed to pay $1m to Indonesian workers for 593,468 hours of unpaid overtime. For the 4,500 workers the deal means that they receive an average of about US$ 220 each.

Does Nike have factories in Indonesia?

Indonesian Industry Minister Saleh Husin inaugurated the new USD $60 million shoe factory of Changshin Reksa Jaya in Garut (West Java) which will produce Nike branded shoes. The shoe factory has an annual production capacity of 15 million pairs and will provide employment to 5,500 people.

What did Nike do in Indonesia?

Over the years, Nike expanded its factories across the country. They found labor in almost inexhaustible supply especially in poor urban areas around the island of Java. Tapping this labor, they trained and raised the industrial efficiency of Indonesian workers.

Does Nike use forced Labour?

The report stated: “The brand can show no evidence of a Living Wage being paid to any workers”. Moreover, in 2020, the Washington Post reported that Nike purchases from a factory that relies on forced labor from Uyghurs.

Does Nike still have sweatshops in Indonesia?

Sweatshops are common in developing countries, including in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Bangladesh and Cambodia, where labour laws are rarely enforced. A Nike factory in Thailand. The factories, which are often housed in deteriorating buildings, are cramped with workers and pose fire dangers.

How many people do Nike employ in Indonesia?

110,000 workers
Nike employs 110,000 workers in Indonesia, 27,000 of them in its footwear factories. In China, where 128,000 people are employed manufacturing Nike products, the minimum age is 18 for full-time factory work and 16 for other work. Nike makes shoes at 12 factories in China.

Does Nike make dunks in Indonesia?

Most of Nike’s shoe factories are located in Asia, including Indonesia, China, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Malaysia. For an updated list of where Nike shoes are manufactured, check the most recent manufacturing map.