How much damage does a tank do in boom beach?

The Troops. The Tank is, of no surprise, the main troop of this attacking strategy. Damage is the Tank’s main strength. A level 15 Tank inflicts a very high 1638 damage (barring troop damage boosts).

What is the best strategy in boom beach?

The strategy of “Heavies+Zookas” is the one of the most effective strategies for the Zooka, as you can use the Zooka’s high damage to destroy the enemy’s defenses while the Heavies absorb the damage given by defenses.

How do you beat the boom cannon?

Offensive Strategy

  1. When attacking Boom Cannons, be sure to either destroy them upfront with a Barrage or Artillery, or limit your time in range of them without them being shocked.
  2. Boom Cannons have a long reload time, so they can easily be taken out by a group of small Troops.

What is the best army in Boom Beach?

The most common troop combination used for this strategy is the Heavy and Zooka Army. The Heavies, for example, have a very high HP, making them a great shield for high damage troops but with low health. Though Heavies can absorb many of the enemy’s attacks, you should still watch out for Cannons and Boom Cannons.

How do you counter rocket launchers in boom beach?

Although damage from a single Rocket Launcher can be out-healed by Warriors of sufficient level, many Rocket Launchers working together can decimate Warriors quickly. All Riflemen can work against a single Rocket Launcher if a Medkit or a boat of Medics is properly used to counter the salvo.

Do bombardiers Outrange boom Cannons?

Bombardiers are similar to Zookas in the sense that they are very fragile; most defenses will be capable of defeating them in a few hits at most. Their longer range allows them to outrange Machine Guns and Cannons in addition to Flamethrowers, so none of these should be a threat unless they are poorly placed.

Do tanks Outrange Cannons boom beach?

Using Tanks requires you to have high-level Artillery and Barrage and a good amount of Gunboat Energy because you rely heavily on both of these to take out Boom Cannons and Cannons.