How much can you sell a axolotl for?

Axolotl Prices An axolotl costs between $30 – $75 for a basic but healthy one. If you’re looking for something more exotic like a piebald axolotl variation, it will cost about $100.

How much can you sell baby Axolotls for?

From my research, $15 is a fair price for at 2″-3″ axolotl. Prices depend on color morph and also size/age. The bigger they are, the more time has gone into caring for them/they’re more likely to survive, so they sell for more.

Can you buy me an axolotl?

However, axolotls are widely available from private breeders and axolotl enthusiasts. They may also be available at reptile shows and expos. You can order them over the internet or you may be able to get one special ordered from the exotic pet store in your area.

How many Axolotls are in a 40 breeder?

3-4 will do great in a 40 breeder. They’re fantastic size tanks; great for making lots of hides.

How many axolotls are left in the world 2021?

Axolotls remain a common, and popular pet, but wild axolotls are listed as critically endangered with an estimated 1000 individuals or fewer left in the wild. As amphibians, they are especially susceptible to pollution and are reliant on water for survival and reproduction.

Can 2 axolotls live in a 20 gallon tank?

Either one will be fine for a pair. Some might argue that 20 gallons is only enough space for one, but axolotls are not very active. As long as you keep up on water changes the 10 gallon would be ok. Keep in mind the more water there is the more it will dilute the toxins from their waste.

Are Golden axolotls rare?

Leucistic axolotls are a translucent white with shiny gold flecks, red or pink gills, and dark brown or black eyes. They are very rare in the wild because they are easily spotted by predators, but are one of the most common and beautiful morphs in captivity.

Are blue axolotl real?

The Blue Axolotl is not an accurate name for this unique salamander since they are not blue at all. They are actually dark gray or black, which could look bluish in certain lights. They are most commonly called Black Melanoids.

Why are my baby axolotls dying?

Administrator. When they die all of a sudden like that, it’s usually due to infection. In addition to changing the water every day, also move them to a clean container every day. Also be sure that you aren’t putting in too much brine shrimp.