How much can you discharge 18650?

The Power Cell permits a continuous discharge of 10C. This means that an 18650 cell rated at 2,000mAh can provide a continuous load of 20A (30A with Li-phosphate). The superior performance is achieved in part by lowering the internal resistance and by optimizing the surface area of active cell materials.

What is a high discharge 18650?

It’s a high rate discharge 18650 Battery with 32A Max discharge current and 3500mAh Max capacity! The protection circuit can be built-in for safety control include over-charging, over-discharge, short-circuit, and temperature control.

How low can a lithium-ion battery be discharged?

The Li‑ion can be discharged to 3V and lower; however, with a discharge to 3.3V (at room temperature), about 92–98% of the capacity is used.

What is a good discharge rate of battery?

BATTERY C RATE CHART To obtain a reasonably good capacity reading, manufacturers commonly rate alkaline and lead acid batteries at a very low 0.05C, or a 20-hour discharge. Even at this slow discharge rate, lead acid seldom attains a 100 percent capacity as the batteries are overrated.

What is minimum discharge voltage?

The most common values are 2.75V and 2.5V today. These values are the lowest voltage that is allowed on the battery if the full lifetime must be reached*. This means that for any normal usage this is the lowest value to discharge the battery to.

What is maximum discharge current?

The discharge current limit (sometimes referred to as DCL for short, or load current limit) represents the maximum amount of current (measured in amps) that can be pulled or drawn from the battery pack without damaging or exceeding system ratings.

What current should I charge my 18650?

The 18650 is popular cylindrical lithium cell, with a capacity of 2500 mAh. The datasheet recommends a 1250 mA constant current charge, then 4.2 V constant voltage charge, and charge termination when the current drops to 50 mA.

Is higher discharge rate better?

In severe cases, the internal short circuit leads a fire explosion of the battery may occur. Most consumer applications require only 1C of battery, you should choose high rate battery that if you need higher discharge rates and faster charging times.

What is 50C discharge rate?

50C = 50 x Capacity (in Amps) Calculating the C-Rating of our example battery: 50 x 5 = 250A. The resulting number is the maximum sustained load you can safely put on the battery. Going higher than that will result in, at best, the degradation of the battery at a faster than normal pace.

What is the voltage of a discharged battery?

12.0 volts or below – At 12.0 volts your battery is considered to be fully discharged or ‘flat’ and should be recharged as soon as possible.