How much calories are in a Pelon mini?

Nutrition Facts

Calories 52 116 mg
Total Fat 0 g 0 mg
Saturated 0 g 13 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g 0 g
Monounsaturated 0 g 11 g

How many carbs does Pelon Pelo Rico have?

32 g
Nutrition Facts

Calories 128 (536 kJ)
Sodium 198 mg 8%
Total Carbohydrate 32 g 11%
Dietary Fiber 0.2 g 1%
Sugars 31 g

What is Pelon mini made of?

Ingredients: Sugar, water, corn syrup, chili powder, citric acid, salt, xanthan gum, natural and artificial flavor, caramel color.

What does Pelon Pelo Rico have in it?


How much calories is Pelon Pelo Rico?

Lorena Pelon Pelo Rico

Calories 100
Calories from Fat 0

What is Pelon mini candy?

Pelon Mini is a spicy, sweet and sour tamarind flavored candy with a softgooey texture and the deliciously classic flavor of Pelon Pelo Rico. Its miniature presentation is just the right size for your craving. This tasty treat is squeezed out of a tube through a grate giving aspaghetti or hair “Medusa-like” effect.

How much sugar is in a Pelon?

Lorena Pelon Pelo Rico

Total Fat 0g 0%
Sodium 220mg 9%
Dietary Fiber <1g 0%
Sugars 22g
Protein 0g

Is Pelon Pelo Rico safe?

Company officials say the candy is safe. “I don’t worry about lead in Pelon Pelo Rico,” said Javier Arroyo, a spokesman for Grupo Lorena, the company that makes the candy, explaining that its own tests haven’t shown high lead.

Does Pelon Pelo Rico have lead?

Pelon Pelo Rico is part of a growing list of candies that have a history of lead but have not prompted health advisories or any other state warnings for parents.

Are Pulparindos healthy?

Mark Horton today warned consumers not to eat to De La Rosa Pulparindo candy imported from Mexico after tests conducted by CDPH found high levels of lead that could cause health problems. Eating lead-contaminated candy is particularly harmful to infants, young children and pregnant women.