How many treatments do you need with Thermage?

Unlike many procedures requiring four or more sessions, most Thermage® patients benefit from a single treatment. The treating doctor will determine the course of treatment that is right for each patient, based on the patient’s needs and goals.

What should you not do after Thermage?

AVOID IRRITANTS These include harsh soaps, medicated washes, scrubs, peels, and topical prescription products, such as retinoids for at least three days. We recommend applying only Vaseline, Aquaphor, hydrocortisone 1%, or sunscreen as needed, as well as same-day makeup if you need to!

How many Thermage treatments are needed on the face?

How many treatments will I need? If you are 30-50, one may be enough. If you’re over fifty, plan on two treatments six months apart for optimal results, then maintenance every one to two years.

How often should you get Thermage?

Re-treat Every Two Years While one Thermage treatment provides amazing results, men and women in Washington, DC who want to get the most out of their Thermage treatments and maintain their results should consider re-treating at least every two years. Some patients even choose to have the procedure performed annually.

Can Thermage be done on the neck?

Thermage is FDA-approved for treatment on the neck and jawline, and its radiofrequency energy is able to stimulate collagen production which in turn creates firmer, smoother skin at and around the treatment area.

Which is better Thermage or ultherapy?

Thermage is better for patients who care more about addressing the texture and quality of sagging skin. It has the power to tackle problematic issues like cellulite or drooping fat thanks to its emphasis on contouring. However, Ultherapy is generally more effective when it comes to stimulating deeper skin layers.

What should you not do before Thermage?

Thermage® Pa ent Instruc ons.

  • Pre-Treatment Instruc ons:
  • Avoid taking aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or any other NSAIDs for 1 week prior to your appointment.
  • Advise the staff if you have any implanted metal hardware in your body or a defibrillator/pacemaker.
  • Day of Treatment Instruc ons:
  • Does Thermage help with jowls?

    It can treat the face, eyes, neck and stomach as well as problem issues like ‘bingo wings’ on the arms. Thermage has the ability to treat: Upper Face (forehead, eyelids) Lower Face (jowls, jawline area)

    Is Thermage good for eye bags?

    Thermage can also treat eye bags, hooding, rough texture on the eyelids, wrinkles and fine lines and other contributors to tired looking eyes. Thermage can treat wrinkled, crepey, sagging or bulging skin as well as the appearance of cellulite.

    Is Thermage better than Botox?

    While both can provide amazing results, Thermage can cost more than Botox and can also take longer while getting it done. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong choice.

    Is one Thermage treatment enough?

    Thermage is an energy-based non-surgical skin tightening treatment that is used to correct sagging, loose skin on the body, and skin laxity on the face. This treatment is powerful enough that most people can achieve their desired results within as little as one to two treatments.

    Which is better Thermage or Ultherapy?

    What is Thermage® treatment?

    BE AN ORIGINAL. GET BACK TO THE REAL YOU. The Thermage ® system is a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) therapy that can help smooth, tighten and contour skin for an overall younger-looking appearance. non-invasive – no cutting, no needles.

    How has Thermage changed with new tips?

    With the third generation of tips now in use, the treatments have vastly improved. Thermage doubled the tip size, gave doctors many options for numbers of pulses in the tips (we usually use 600 to 900 pulses for the full face), and added a cooling element to the tip so there is no pain. The treatment is now comfortable without sedation.

    Can I use Thermage on the back of my hands?

    Perhaps a special tip needs to be designed for that thinner skin. On the back of the hands, there is a little noticeable smoothing of skin but plan on Restylane or Juvederm (filler) after Thermage to get a really nice result. I don’t recommend the other body sites (arms, thighs, abdomen, etc).

    How long does a Thermage session take?

    Each session typically takes between 30 minutes and two hours, depending on the location, size, and condition of the area being treated. On average, body areas can take 90 minutes or more, while the face and neck take 60 minutes. Treating eyelids alone takes just 30. Related: What to Know About Thermage, From Someone Who Had It Done on Her Stomach