How many targets are in Boston?

Showing 16 out of 16 listings in the Boston area.

Does Boston have a Target?

Target Boston Fenway Store, Boston, MA.

What is the square footage of Target stores?

Sizing up the situation Across much the country, our typical Target stores average about 130,000 square feet. And we’re also continuing to open small-format stores, which are generally about 1/3 the size of a full Target (roughly 40,000 square feet), with some featuring as little as 12,000 square feet.

What is targets corporate office address?

Minneapolis, MNTarget Corporation / Headquarters

How many targets are in Massachusetts?

Number of Target stores in the United States in 2022, by state

Characteristic Total number of stores
Michigan 54
North Carolina 52
Georgia 51
Massachusetts 50

What city has the most Target stores?

Top 10 cities with the most number of Target locations in the US

City State/Territory Number of Locations
Chicago Illinois 22
Los Angeles California 18
Minneapolis Minnesota 17
Houston Texas 16

How do I contact Target corporate office?

Call us at 1.800. 440.0680.

Where is the Target company located?

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Target Corporation

Target headquarters, Target Plaza, in Minneapolis
Headquarters Target Plaza 1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.
Number of locations 1,931 stores (2022)
Area served United States, Canada (formerly, see Target Canada)
Key people Brian C. Cornell (Chairman & CEO)

How much does Target pay an hour in Massachusetts?

Average Target Cashier hourly pay in Massachusetts is approximately $11.86, which meets the national average.