How many students does Natomas Unified have?

13,767 students
Natomas Unified School District contains 18 schools and 13,767 students.

What happened at Natomas Unified School District?

A Natomas school board meeting erupted in hot emotion and was shut down abruptly by Superintendent Chris Evans last week. This came after what he says were numerous online threats leveled at staff, the board and their families, and even more threats in the lobby outside the meeting.

How many high schools are in the Natomas Unified School District?

5 high schools
Natomas Unified School District contains 5 high schools.

What district is Natomas Charter School?

Natomas Unified School
Natomas Charter

County Sacramento
District Natomas Unified
School Natomas Charter
CDS Code 34 75283 3430659
School Address 4600 Blackrock Dr. Sacramento, CA 95835-1250 Google Map Link opens new browser tab

Is Natomas School District good?

Natomas High School is ranked #10,889 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college.

Who is the superintendent of Natomas Unified School District?

Superintendent Chris Evans
Natomas Unified

County Sacramento
Superintendent Chris Evans Superintendent (916) 567-5401 [email protected]
Chief Business Official William Young Deputy Superintendent (916) 567-5400 [email protected]
Status Active
District Type Unified School District

What happened at Inderkum High School?

The Natomas Unified School District said the varsity basketball player was killed after being hit by a car in Rocklin Saturday night. SACRAMENTO, Calif. — School officials said a deadly crash claimed the life of an Inderkum High School student Saturday night.

What school district is 95833?

Natomas Unified School District
Natomas Unified School District – Connecting students to their future!

When was Natomas Charter School built?

Since the school was founded in 1993, Natomas Charter School has been recognized as a leader and one of the best schools in the Sacramento region.

What happened to Anthony Williams inderkum?

A top official in Placer County has come forward as the driver involved in the crash that killed Inderkum High School basketball player Anthony Williams in March. Now, the Placer County District Attorney’s Office is investigating and Williams’ friends are calling for the crash investigation report to be made public.

What does Natomas mean?

north place or upstream people
The early residents named Natomas, which is a Maidu word meaning north place or upstream people.