How many Sternebrae does a cat have?

In the cat, the manubrium is slightly keeled, the sternebral body consists of 6 articulated sternebrae, and the last sternebra is the xiphisternum with a distal xiphoid process (4).

Can you dissect a cat?

The most commonly dissected vertebrates are frogs, fetal pigs, and cats.

Why do we dissect cats in anatomy?

Cats are used for dissection at Pitt-Johnstown for many reasons, according to Biology Department coordinator Stephen Kilpatrick. “We use cats because they are the closest animal to human anatomy that we can use. They have all of the same muscles and organs as we do,” he said.

Does a human have a Pectoantebrachialis?

Pectoantebrachialis & xiphihumeralis are chest muscles in the cat. These muscles are missing in the human. Clavodeltoid, acromiodeltoid, & spinodeltoid in the cat. There is one deltoid in the human.

What is sternebrae?

sternebra in British English (ˈstɜːnɪbrə ) a bone or segment of the breastbone or sternum.

How many sternums are there?

The sternum (Figure 7.16) consists of eight sternebrae arranged anteroposteriorly midventrally on the thorax. The most anterior of the series is the spear tip-shaped manubrium.

How are dissected cats killed?

Every year millions of animals are killed to be used for dissection in schools. Investigators have discovered suppliers drowning cats in burlap sacks, injecting rats with embalming fluid, and keeping frogs for weeks without food. Dissection devalues life. Dissection teaches that animals are disposable objects.

Is it illegal to dissect animals?

Check it out: If you live in a state or school district that has a dissection-choice policy in place, you can say NO to dissection and ask for an alternative assignment. If your teacher refuses to give you a humane alternative, it could be illegal! Check to see if your state or school has a dissection-choice policy.

What are the benefits of dissection?

Dissection is also important because it: Helps students learn about the internal structures of animals. Helps students learn how the tissues and organs are interrelated. Gives students an appreciation of the complexity of organisms in a hands-on learning environment.

What does the Pectoantebrachialis do in cats?

The major action of these muscles is adduction of the forelimb (i.e. the front leg is drawn toward the midline). There are four subdivisions of the pectoral group in the cat. The pectoantebrachialis is the most superficial muscle of the pectoral group.

Where is the Pectoantebrachialis located?

The pectoralis major extends across the upper part of the chest and is attached to a ridge at the rear of the humerus (the bone of the upper arm).

What is the function of a Sternebrae?

The sternum, or breastbone, is a long, flat, bony plate that forms the most anterior section of the rib cage. The primary function of the sternum is the protection of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels from physical damage. The sternum is made of the manubrium, the gladiolus, and the xiphoid process.