How many species of wrasse are there?
How many species of wrasse are there?
The wrasses are a family, Labridae, of marine fish, many of which are brightly colored. The family is large and diverse, with over 600 species in 81 genera, which are divided into 9 subgroups or tribes.
Can different species of wrasses live together?
Mixed genera and species of wrasses can be kept together with proper planning and research. Avoid housing two males of the same species together since they will inevitably battle, harm and potentially kill each other.
How many types of wrasses are in Hawaiian waters?
Wrasses make up the largest family of fishes in Hawaii. Nearly 50 species are known to exist here, but only a few are popular with fishermen.
What is the smallest wrasse?
The Pink-Streaked Wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia) is one of the best wrasse species for smaller aquariums due to its diminutive size of only about 2-1/2” when full grown.
Can you mix flasher wrasses?
They do very well together. I have 7 different species of wrasses in a 155 gallon without any problems. Here is a good link to help guide you on which species play nice with other wrasses. Almost all the flasher wrasses are cool with others and most of the fairies are too.
How do wrasse fish sleep?
They not only sleep in their cocoon, but it masks their scent from predators. Being in a cocoon still allows these wrasses to be alert to any predators that may find them accidentally, and it allows them a chance to escape quickly.
How do you identify a wrasse?
Females have three black spots on their back behind the dorsal fin while these are absent on males. Mature males have blue heads and orange bodies, with blue stripes and mottled patterns running the length of the body and on the edges of the fins (male cuckoo wrasse pictured above).
Where are wrasse fish found?
Wrasses are found throughout the world in tropical and temperate seas. They are often abundant among coral reefs. Most wrasses are carnivorous and prey on marine invertebrates.