How many seats are in a standard mini bus?

A minibus is commonly classed and will be classed in this website as a vehicle with between 7 to 16 passenger seats.

How many seats does a mini bus have in Australia?

24 Seat Standard Mini Bus.

What size are minibuses?

Minibuses | Shuttle Buses have average lengths of 23′ (7.01 m), widths of 7’4” (2.24 m), heights of 8’9” (2.67 m), and have a capacity of 14 (+2) seats. Minibuses, or shuttle buses, are vehicles with passenger capacities below the larger full-size bus and more than the smaller minivan.

What is the average of mini bus?

a) 12.00 KMPL for long journey with/without A.C. b) 11.00 KMPL for local journey with/without A.C. a) 07.00 KMPL for long routes with/without A.C. b) 06.00 KMPL for local routes with/without A.C.

Can you drive a 16 seater minibus on a normal licence?

There are special licensing arrangements allowing you to drive minibuses and buses without holding the higher Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) driving licence entitlement. Drivers of minibuses having nine to 16 passenger seats will need to hold a PCV licence category D1 or a category D licence to drive larger buses.

Can I drive a 17 seater minibus?

If you have a standard car licence, are over 21 and have been driving for more than two years, and are not driving for reward or hire, you can drive a 17-seater minibus with a GVW of under 3.5 tonnes under a Section 19 Permit.

Can I drive a 17 seater minibus on my licence?

What license do you need for a minibus?

Once you have successfully passed your PCV Category D1 practical test, you will then obtain a Category D1 (minibus licence) on your driving licence which will entitle you to drive any minibus up to 17 seats (including drivers seat) for private or hire and reward purposes.

How long is a 15 seater minibus?

10’09 ft
Inside Vehicle Measurements


What size of buses can you get?

A standard bus holds around 56 passengers, but seating options often range from 36 to 60 seats. If you’re looking for a smaller vehicle, a minibus holds 35 passengers or less.

How much fuel does a minibus use?

Summary. Fuel economy for this used diesel FORD Transit Minibus model is 36 MPG, giving an indicative fuel cost of 21.6 p/mile; in VED Band K this small van’s standard 12 month car tax rate is £360.