How many races can you do for Brucie?

nine races
There are nine races that can be accessed through the phone by going to Phonebook – Brucie – Race. The races are given to the player in a random order, but all nine must be completed before repeating one.

How old is Brucie in GTA 4?

44 year old
Bruce “Brucie” Kibbutz (Born January 12 1977) is a character in Grand Theft Auto 5 & The Ballad of Gay Tony. He is a 44 year old rich luxury automotive entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, and lifestyle coach. He is the younger brother of Mori Kibbutz.

How many Little Jacob jobs are there?

All you have to do then is take out your cell phone, go to the phone book and select “Job” under Little Jacob. There are 10 different jobs and the order is random. Your task is usually a drug deal that gets held up. You then have to eliminate the rival gang.

What does Brucie mean?

thick brush
Origin:French. Popularity:5632. Meaning:thick brush. Brucie as a boy’s name is of Norman French origin meaning “thick brush”.

What is Brucie special ability?

Page actions

Ability Character Effect
Chopper Brucie Kibbutz Ride the Heli Rides
Backup Terry Thrope Get the Clay and Terry to gangs
Bikes Clay Simons Get the a Bikes
Weapons Jim Fitzgerald Get a Weapons

Should I save Ivan GTA 4?

If you decide to let Ivan live, he will give you an extra mission later on in the storyline. Killing him does not prevent you from getting 100% completion. We chose to kill him, but we’ll leave that choice up to you. Either way, the mission will end in victory, and you’ll become just a little bit richer.

Should I let Vlad live GTA 4?

Don’t let Vlad escape. Use preferably a Shotgun to kill the two goons without taking damage and get out of the bar, either following Vlad through the back door or the front door. Vlad will wait outside the bar indefinitely until the player exits, so there’s no need to worry about taking too long inside the bar.

Where are Stevie’s cars GTA 4?

Stevie’s cars are all around Liberty City, but there is only one destination. GTA 4 players must deliver it to a specific garage in Bohan. The shop they are looking for is called S&M Auto Sales, and this is what they need to do when delivering Stevie’s cars.