How many principles are there in ICMM?

The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) has long recognised that economic growth should never be at the expense of people or planet. In 2003, ICMM published its 10 Principles for sustainable development to set a standard of ethical performance for our members.

What are the principles of mining?

This book shows how the concept of responsible mining is based on five key principles or pillars: holistic assessment; ethical relationships; community-based agreements; appropriate boundaries and good governance.

What is the full form of ICMM?

International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Formation. 2001. Type.

What is towards sustainable mining?

The Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative allows mining companies to turn high-level environmental and social commitments into action on the ground.

What is responsible gold?

The Responsible Gold Supply Chain Application is a mobile application to track cryptographic, blockchain-compatible, NFC-enabled, tamper-evident seals placed on gold raw material as it is packaged and transferred from mine to refiner to vault. Information captured on the app is hashed onto the blockchain.

Is the mining industry ethical?

In our view, mining can be ethical if it produces raw materials that are really needed as long as the mines are operated in a socially responsible way. We will invest in companies only if they meet both criteria.

What is responsible mining How can it be done?

Responsible mining companies should develop meaningful social objectives, understand the ways in which social outcomes intersect with and support their business goals, implement a social continuous improvement process, and communicate outcomes in a clear and transparent way.

How can I join ICMM?

The admissions process for ICMM comprises the following five stages.

  1. Submission of information in support of an application by a prospective new member company.
  2. Independent third party review of the efficacy of the information provided (initiated and paid for by the prospective member).

Why is sustainable mining important?

Mining sustainably within a community should provide relief from poverty, hunger and servitude for local communities. This is not considered to be charity – it is about being a part of a community’s good health and educational aspirations.

What are the best mining practices?

Learning from the world: Mining best practices

  • Embrace Digitisation.
  • Eliminate Delays.
  • Develop Infrastructure.
  • Collect Data.
  • Real-Time Data Mining.
  • Mine Sustainably.
  • Protection of Indigenous Population.
  • Think Long Term.