How many pounds is a 48 sq ft filter?

However, if you can’t find a suggestion from the manufacturer, you can use a simple rule of thumb: For a full clean or new filter, add one pound of DE powder for every 10 square feet of the filter. So, a 48-square-foot filter will need about five pounds of DE powder.

How many square feet of pool filter do I need?

The filter flow rate must be rated at least the same GPM as your pump, or higher. With pool filters, it’s best to err on the larger size so it can handle the power of your pump. A helpful rule of thumb is to choose a filter with at least 1 square foot per 10,000 gallons pool capacity.

How long do pool filter grids last?

Knowing When to Replace Grids DE filter grids can last for four or five years with proper care. During cleaning, the grids need to be looked over for damage. Tears in the grids can cause the diatomaceous earth to flow back out into the pool water.

How do I know what size pool filter I have?

Another rule of thumb I have for pool filter size is to look at the swimming pool size in gallons. If you’ve never calculated this before, take some measurements. The formula is Length x Width x Average Depth x 7.5, for rectangular pools. For oval pools, change the multiplier from 7.5 to 5.9.

What happens if you add too much DE to pool filter?

Adding too much DE to your pool may cause multiple negative results. These ramifications include a clogged skimmer, turning the pool cloudy, reducing the circulatory pressure in the pool and putting too much work on your pump that may result in eventually breaking the pump.

How many hours a day should I run my pool filter?

The rule of thumb is generally 8 hours, although it could be anywhere from 6-12 hours, depending on your pool’s size. Each pool is unique, so to keep your pool pump efficient and effective, you need to figure out exactly what your pool’s turnover rate is.