How many players is Subterfuge?

In Subterfuge, eight online players compete against each other in real-time to capture their Queens or to create 200 kilos of the element Neptunium. They do the latter by creating mines and drilling into the seabed. A player can only form mines at outposts they own, and so battles are fought to gain more of them.

How do you use subterfuge in a sentence?

How to use subterfuge in a sentence. “Only as a sister should think of an absent brother,” returned Dorothy, ashamed of the subterfuge. I never feared any thing but guilt, and I will not purchase life at the expense of a base subterfuge.

What does subterfuge mean in The Great Gatsby?

used in The Great Gatsby. only 1 use. something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.

Is subterfuge a crime?

Subterfuge and evasion violate the obligation of good faith in performance even when an actor believes his conduct to be justified. Subterfuge and evasion violate the obligation of good faith in performance even when an actor believes their conduct to be justified.

Is subterfuge the same as lying?

The terms “deception” and “subterfuge” will be considered synonymous with lying and used interchangeably with “lying”.

What is an example of subterfuge?

Subterfuge definition Subterfuge is defined as a plan or action to hide what you’re doing. An example of subterfuge is a plan to forge signatures with a stamp late at night when no one is working. (countable) An indirect or deceptive device or stratagem; a blind.

What does a subterfuge mean?

Definition of subterfuge 1 : deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade. 2 : a deceptive device or stratagem. Synonyms Choose the Right Synonym Subterfuge Has Latin Roots Example Sentences Learn More About subterfuge.

What is the synonym of subterfuge?

Some common synonyms of subterfuge are deception, double-dealing, fraud, and trickery. While all these words mean “the acts or practices of one who deliberately deceives,” subterfuge suggests the adoption of a stratagem or the telling of a lie in order to escape guilt or to gain an end.