How many pieces of Nicorette gum can you chew a day?
How many pieces of Nicorette gum can you chew a day?
Do not use more than 24 pieces of gum per day. Following 6 weeks of use, you can reduce use to 1 piece every 2-4 hours, and then 1 piece every 4-8 hours. If you use fewer than 10 cigarettes per day, or do not smoke every day, talk with your doctor or other healthcare provider about dosing.
How many cigarettes are in 2mg nicotine gum?
Used as a chewing gum, nicotine gum comes in two strengths: 2mg for people who smoked less than 25 cigarettes a day, and 4mg for those who smoked 25 or more cigarettes a day.
How many 2mg nicotine gums a day?
Smokers aiming to reduce cigarettes should use Nicorette 2 mg Gum, as needed, between smoking episodes to prolong smoke-free intervals and with the intention to reduce smoking as much as possible. As soon as they are ready smokers should aim to quit smoking completely. Maximum daily dose: 15 pieces per day.
Can you swallow nicotine gum spit?
6. Nicotine is absorbed only through the lining of the mouth. It is used differently than regular gum so very little will get in the stomach where it can cause heartburn, hiccups, and upset stomach. Do not swallow the nicotine or your saliva.
Can you get a buzz from nicotine gum?
When the nicotine unlocks the receptor, a feel-good chemical called dopamine is released, giving you a little hit or buzz. This doesn’t last long.
What happens if u swallow Nicorette?
While your body can absorb and digest flavors and other additives in gum, it cannot digest the base of chewing gum. If you accidently swallow a piece of your gum, it will move through the digestive system in a matter of days and come out through a bowel movement.
Can I drink water while chewing nicotine gum?
When the tingling/taste is gone, bite again and repeat for 30 minutes. Do not chew nicotine gum like regular gum – it can cause an upset stomach or heartburn. Do not eat or drink for 15 minutes before or after using nicotine gum. Also, do not eat or drink while using the gum.
What happens if you chew nicotine gum and don’t smoke?
You don’t chew nicotine gum the way you chew normal gum. If you did, all the nicotine would be released directly into your saliva. If you swallowed the nicotine-soaked saliva, it would provoke a terrible stomachache and a nasty and overwhelming craving for a cigarette.