How many pieces of mail do you need for a bulk mailing?

200 pieces
Mailers use USPS Marketing Mail to send: All USPS Marketing Mail prices are bulk prices, and each mailing must meet a minimum quantity of 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail.

How do I mail a bulk envelope?

USPS presort preparation

  1. Sort your mail into specific mail trays or mail sacks (provided by the USPS at no cost).
  2. Fill out a postage statement either manually or online and apply barcoded labels to each mailing container.
  3. Deliver to the Post Office that you received your USPS bulk mail permit from.

How thick can a large envelope be to mail?

3/4 inch
Letters: maximum thickness 1/4 inch. Large Envelopes: maximum thickness 3/4 inch. Once a piece of mail exceeds the maximum length, height, or thickness of one shape, it automatically gets classified as the next largest shape.

What is the bulk rate for postage?

USPS Commercial Bulk Mail Rates

Mail Type Minimum Quantity 2019
Direct Mail 200 pieces (or 50 lb.) $0.19
EDDM® 200 Pieces $0.187

Do you need a return address on bulk mail?

Letters must either be in a sealed envelope or, if not in an envelope, all four sides of the mailing need to be completely sealed. Learn more here. Addressing: Envelopes need to contain a complete address within the defined Optical Character Reader area and, in most cases, a complete return address.

What does USPS consider a large envelope?

Large Envelopes (Flats) The maximum size for large envelopes is 15″ x 12″ x 3/4″ thick. The maximum weight for large envelopes is 13 ounces. A large envelope exceeding 13 ounces is classified as a Priority Mail item.

What is the USPS bulk mail rate?

Bulk Mail Rates

Mail Type Minimum Quantity 2022 Postage Rates
First-Class Mail 500 Pieces $0.43
Marketing Mail 200 Pieces (or 50 lbs.) $0.20
EDDM 200 Pieces $0.20