How many people died from work related injuries WA Mines 2008 2011?

Over the five years from 2007–08 to 2011–12, 36 Mining workers died from work-related injuries—21 of which involved a vehicle. The total number of deaths equates to 3.84 fatalities per 100 000 workers, which is almost 70% higher than the national rate of 2.29.

What is the number one cause of most accidents at mine sites?

For surface mine accidents, flying debris is the most common cause. Failing to keep a safe distance from the blast area or a too powerful charge are often the reasons for this type of death. In underground mining, premature explosions and misfired explosions are the leading causes of death.

How can we prevent accidents in mines? lists seven innovative technologies to prevent mining accidents.

  1. Methane monitoring and control technologies.
  2. Dust monitoring and control technologies.
  3. Automated underground mining.
  4. Rock -falls prevention technologies.
  5. Proximity detection and collision warning.
  6. Computerised permit-to-work system.

What was the total number of fatal accidents in the mining industry in 2018?

ARLINGTON, VA – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) reports that 27 mining fatalities occurred in 2018 – the second lowest number ever recorded.

How many mining accidents occur each year?

More than 15,000 miners are killed every year – and this is just the official number of deaths. Most likely, it’s many more. Nobody really knows how many people are injured in mining, but it is likely to be hundreds of thousands of people every year.

How many fatalities occur in WA workplaces each year?

20 fatalities
The rate of deaths in 2017 for States and Territories were: 1 fatality in the ACT (0.4 per 100,000 workers) 36 fatalities in VIC (1.1 per 100,000 workers) 20 fatalities in WA (1.5 per 100,000 workers)

What are the main causes of accidents in the mines?

Mine accidents can have a variety of causes, including leaks of poisonous gases such as hydrogen sulphide or explosive natural gases, especially firedamp or methane, dust explosions, collapsing of mine stopes, toxic gases arising from mine fires, mining-induced seismicity, flooding, or general mechanical errors from …

How often do mining accidents occur?

Coal mining: 4.4 per 100 full-time workers. Bituminous coal underground mining: 6.5 per 100 full-time workers. Bituminous coal and lignite surface mining: 2.0 per 100 full-time workers. Anthracite mining: 6.2 per 100 full-time workers.

What causes mining accidents?

Mining accidents can occur from a variety of causes, including leaks of poisonous gases such as hydrogen sulfide or explosive natural gases, especially firedamp or methane, dust explosions, collapsing of mine stopes, mining-induced seismicity, flooding, or general mechanical errors from improperly used or …

How many people have died in the mining industry?

In 2020 there were five occupational fatalities in the United States coal mining industry, among 63,612 U.S. coal miners. In 1910, this figure was much higher, with 2,821 coal mining deaths reported in the U.S. that year.