How many miles can you drive on antique plates in VA?

250 miles
Antique plates permit occasional pleasure driving (not to exceed 250 miles from the owner’s residence) but are not to be used for general transportation purposes, including but not limited to, daily travel to and from the owner’s place of employment.

Do you pay personal property tax on antique vehicles in Virginia?

If the vehicle is classified as an antique or vintage and has permanent license plates issued as specified in Virginia State Code Section 46.2-730, then the vehicle is not subject to taxation.

Do antique cars need inspected in VA?

Antique vehicles that are 25 years or older and registered as an antique with the DMV do not have to be safety inspected, unless you drive the vehicle regularly. New automobiles purchased in Virginia are also exempt from safety inspections for one year.

How old does a car have to be to be a classic in Virginia?

least 25 years old
A car is considered a classic in Virginia if it’s at least 25 years old and is owned solely as a collector’s item. When a vehicle in Virginia meets these requirements, the owner can register it as an antique vehicle, which will limit the car’s use.

Can you personalize antique plates in Virginia?

In addition to displaying special plates, motorists can add a personalized character combination to their plates using up to seven characters. Personalized plates cost just $10 a year in addition to the vehicle registration and special plate fees.

What can exempt a car from Virginia state inspections?

The only vehicles that are exempt from the annual safety check are: Antique vehicles that are registered with the DMV and at least 25 years old. Any trailer under 3,000 lbs that does not have brakes.

How old does a car have to be to be an antique in VA?

25 model years old
Antique and Vintage License Plates If you own a passenger vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer or motorcycle with a model year that is more than 25 model years old before January 1 of the current calendar year, you’ve got an antique!