How many mbunas are in a 75 gallon tank?

Keep 8 to 12 Mbunas per 30 U.S. gallons of water. Always respect your fish’s minimum tanks requirements. The more fish you add to your tank, the more harmonious it will be.

Can all Mbuna crossbreed?

Also remember that Mbuna cichlids from different species can and will cross breed. If you keep several species together and they produce offspring you should not sell the fry since the mixed DNA will ruin the bloodlines of the true species when people use the crossings for breeding purposes.

What is the rarest African cichlid?

Once quite common in the aquarium trade, the cichlid “Cichlasoma” beani is now one of the rarest, most desirable, and hardest-to-obtain cichlids on the casual cichlidophile’s wish list. It is known as the Sonoran cichlid and the green guapote, and by the Spanish forms mojarra de Sinaloa and mojarra verde.

How many babies do Mbuna have?

New mothers also have very small batches of eggs: around 10 or so. A mature female will have up to 30 eggs. The male fish has no part in the care and raising of young, and may happily eat the babies if he is present when they are released.

Where do mbunas live?

Mbunas live among the rocks along the shores of Lake Malawi in East Africa. This page lists the types of Mbuna Cichlids for sale in our facility. Click here for the complete details about how to buy pet fish from us. Above: Some of the Mbuna for sale here at our online fish store.

Where can I find mbuna cichlids in Malawi?

This is a new and very colorful Mbuna Cichlid from Jalo Reef in Lake Malawi. There are many color and pattern variations of this species depending on the location in Lake Malawi.

How big do mbuna Haps get?

They range in maximum size from four to six inches. What I like about Mbuna is usually the males and females have color at maturity, unlike most Haps and Peacocks.

Are there mbuna trewavasae in Malawi?

All Mbuna species, like these Trewavasae, have color variations in different parts of Lake Malawi. Our supplier is spawning several varieties and shipped us a nice big batch of Assorted Trewavasae.