How many LL Cool J albums went platinum?

ten consecutive
First introduced to the world in 1984 as a Def Jam Records flagship artist, LL is the first rap artist to amass ten consecutive platinum-plus selling albums, in addition to 2004 THE DEFINITION and 2006 TODD SMITH which both went Gold.

How many albums did LL Cool J sell?

Musician, actor, and writer L(adies) L(ove) Cool J(ames) is the largest selling rap musician to date, with more than twenty million albums sold worldwide.

What was LL Cool J biggest hit?

# 1 – Mama Said Knock You Out We close out our top 10 LL Cool J songs list with the legendary song “Mama Said Knock You Out.” The song was released on the album entitled Mama Said Knock You Out.

Is LL Cool J working on a new album?

Back in June, LL Cool J, via new Def Jam Strategic Consultant Snoop Dogg, announced that he was indeed working on a new album, but details of the project were not shared.

Is LL Cool J in the Hall of Fame?

Jennifer Lopez and Eminem joined LL Cool J to perform during his 2021 induction ceremony. The sixth time’s the charm for LL Cool J. On Saturday, the rapper and actor was formally inducted into the 2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame — and celebrated by bringing along some special (and famous) friends.

Which rapper sold the most records?

Top 10 Best-Selling Rappers / Hip Hop Artists of All Time:

  • EMINEM. 227 million units sold.
  • DRAKE. 152 million units sold.
  • KANYE WEST. 140 million units sold.
  • JAY-Z. 125 million units sold.
  • LIL WAYNE. 110 million units sold.
  • NICKI MINAJ. 106 million units sold.
  • FLO RIDA. 102 million units sold.
  • TUPAC SHAKUR. 75 million units sold.

What was LL Cool J’s first big hit?

I Need a Beat
Under his new stage name, LL Cool J (an acronym for “Ladies Love Cool James”), Smith was signed by Def Jam, which led to the release of his first official record, the 12-inch single “I Need a Beat” (1984). The single was a hard-hitting, streetwise b-boy song with spare beats and ballistic rhymes.

Who started Rock the Bells?

Founded in 2018 by LL COOL J Rock The Bells focuses on content, commerce and experiences that honor the CULTURE and the core elements of Hip-Hop — MC’s, DJ’s, Breakers, Graffiti Artists — and more.

Why did LL Cool J stop making music?

He chose not to renew his contract. Exit 13 was the last album he released with the label, and he said he had to leave because it felt like “prison.” After that, he took a break from music altogether. Hip Hop wouldn’t be the same without @LLCoolJ!