How many levels are there in LEGO Batman 1?
How many levels are there in LEGO Batman 1?
thirty levels
There are thirty levels in the game (divided into fifteen each for the heroes and the villains) as well as two secret levels, which sees the player exploring miniature versions of the Wayne Manor and Arkham Asylum to collect studs.
How do you open the door in LEGO Batman?
In order to unlock the heroes, you need to have enough gold bricks. Each character requires a different amount of gold bricks required. Then you simply need to find the gold door pieces somewhere in the Gotham City overworld and build the door to unlock the Hero.
How do you complete you can bank on Batman?
Grab the Technology Suit and head over to the glowing panel near the gate to summon a remote controlled car. Pilot this car into the small striped ramp that inserts you inside the bank. Hit all three red panels on the wall until they turn green to unlock the bank door.
How do you unlock Catwoman in LEGO Batman 1?
Catwoman can be unlocked after defeating her in free roam in southern portion of Gotham City.
How do you unlock suit upgrades in LEGO Batman?
Load a game that has suit upgrades (e.g. More Batarang Targets) bought from the Batcomputer. You will start in the Hero Mission Room. Return to the Batcave using the Elevator in the Hero Mission Room. As soon as you enter the Batcave your suit upgrades will be activated.
How do you move bins in LEGO Batman?
Smash the dumpsters to the left and then build a magnetic wall for you to climb. Walk up it and grab the Lego Canister to the left then cross the tightrope to the right. Pull the lever to lower the ladder for Batman.
How do you beat icy reception in LEGO Batman?
Aim at the two large and rather pointy popsicles hang from the ceiling to cut them down, resulting in a dozen shattered LEGO pieces. Quickly assemble the shards to create a staircase leading to two pipe valves. Jump on them to deactivate the icy jets so that you can slip across the slippery ice cream-covered floor.
How do you break the green glass in LEGO Batman?
After pocketing the canister, break the glass with the Sonic Suit and shoot the panel to deactivate lasers. The only thing left between you and a red power brick is the vault door that can be easily blown up. You need to destroy a total of three green panels to bring down the laser field blocking your way.