How many kids does Varela have?


Felix Varela Senior High School
Teaching staff 101.00 (FTE)
Grades 9–12
Enrollment 2,412 (2018–19)

Is Felix Varela a good school?

Felix Varela Senior High School is ranked #4,111 in the National Rankings….Ranking Factors.

Ranking Factors National State
College Curriculum Breadth Index Rank #2,340 (tie) #142
State Assessment Proficiency Rank #11,436 (tie) #378

Is Felix Varela a magnet school?

Felix Varela Senior High School is a magnet school located in Miami, FL, which is in a large suburb setting. The student population of Felix Varela Senior High School is 2,194 and the school serves 8-12.

What grade is Felix Varela High School?

grades 9 – 12

School Name: FELIX VARELA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL NCES School ID: 120039004340 State School ID: FL-13-7781
Type: Regular school Status: Open Charter: No
Supervisory Union #: N/A Grade Span: (grades 9 – 12) 9 10 11 12

How many students are in Felix Varela High School?

3,200Felix Varela Senior High School / Number of students

When did Varela high school open?

August 28, 2000Felix Varela Senior High School / Founded

What was Felix Varelas life mission?

Felix Varela Senior High School is dedicated to creating a quality learning environment which embraces innovative technology and instructional rigor to meet global challenges by cultivating a safe, nurturing, and equitable environment for students, teachers, parents and our community.

What is iPrep program?

iPrep North provides students with STEM courses based on the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in collaboration with LEGO® Education. Applications for this NEW, state-of-the-art school are now being accepted for grades 6-9.

What is iPrep magnet?

iPrep Academy is a Nationally Certified Magnet School. Ten years ago, MDCPS Superintendent and iPrep’s Principal, Alberto M. Carvalho challenged educators to create a learning environment that closes the cultural and digital divide.

What was Felix Varela career?

Varela served as a theological consultant to the committee of American bishops, which drew up the famous Baltimore Catechism, which began a standard teaching tool for Catholic children in the nation until the mid-20th century. He was later awarded a doctorate of Theology by St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland.

What was Felix Varela greatest accomplishment?

Varela also founded the first Spanish newspaper in the United States. He published articles about human rights and essays on religious tolerance, cooperation between the English- and Spanish-speaking communities, and the importance of education.

Where is Felix Varela buried?

the Tolomato Cemetery
Varela was buried in the Tolomato Cemetery, an old Catholic cemetery on Cordova Street. Sympathetic Cubans erected a Neoclassical mortuary chapel with furnishings imported from the homeland. In 1876, when Bishop Augustin Verot died, he was interred in the chapel as well.