How many followers are allowed in Skyrim?
How many followers are allowed in Skyrim?
Additional Information About Skyrim Followers Generally, you can have only one humanoid follower and one animal follower at any given time, but there are exceptions to this (see Getting a Party of Five or More, below). If you want to replace someone, you would have to dismiss your current one and ask the other to join.
What followers in Skyrim have no level cap?
Stat wise, J’zargo is arguably one of the best Skyrim followers. He has no level cap, which means he continues to level up with the Dragonborn indefinitely.
Can you have 3 followers in Skyrim?
You can only have one follower at a time: if you want a different one, you need to dismiss the first one before you recruit them. There is one exception to this: there are situations when you already have a follower when a person needs to join you for something quest-related.
How many Housecarls can you have?
Re: Multiple housecarls- I know that you are allowed one housecarl for each Hold when you become the Thane of that Hold.
Can followers ride horses in Skyrim?
Horses For Followers To make followers mount their steeds, all you need to do is mount your own and they will follow suit. When combat ensues, they will dismount and engage in combat as normal. The horses are set to avoid combat if possible, unlike the vanilla player’s horse.
What level does serana cap at?
level 50
In Dawnguard, Serana caps at level 50 as well. As a result of patch 1.9, followers who would level with the Dragonborn to level 81 will no longer experience a level cap, and will continue to level with the Dragonborn.
Is Lydia a good follower?
Despite her many, many flaws, Lydia is undeniably an excellent follower. At her highest level, Lydia has an impressive 671 points of health, along with expertise in heavy armor, one-handed, and block.
Can you have 2 housecarls?