How many fish can you have in a 100 Litre tank?

The ‘inch per gallon rule’ / 1cm per 2 litres A 100 litre tank equals 22 gallons therefore according to this rule can accommodate 22 inches of fully grown fish. The metric version of this would be 100 litres can hold 50cm of fully grown fish.

How many mollies are in a 30l tank?

Depending on the species, you may add up to four mollies to the tank. For Sailfins and other larger mollies, however, you’ll need to arrange a 30-gallon aquarium. To live comfortably, each extra molly will require about 3 additional gallons.

How many goldfish can you have in a 100 litre tank?

It’s not uncommon to see 100 litres, or thereabouts, quoted as the minimum for one goldfish, with varying amounts of additional litres for additional fish.

How many fish can I put in a 105 litre tank?

For tropical fish – allow 1 cm of adult-size fish (excluding fins and tail) for each litre of water.

How many guppies can you have in a 55 litre tank?

In a 55-gallon tank you can keep about 27 adult guppies, if we strictly use the calculation we established earlier (1 guppy fish per 2 gallon of water volume). But that can change, provided that you give them proper conditions to live in.

How many goldfish can you have in a 64 litre tank?

How many goldfish can I have in a 64-liter tank? The general rule of thumb is 1″ of fish per 4 liters, so you could have around five 3″ fish, or four 4″ fish.

How many fish can you have in a 20 litre tank?

A guideline for a tank of this size is 22cm of fish, 1cm of fish per litre. Fish such as eels which are long but very skinny you can just count a ¼ of their length and fatter or taller fish such as angels and puffer should be counted as 1 ¼ times their length.

How many Litres do guppies need?

Fishkeepers also ask how much water does a guppy need. There is no correct answer, but keeping 1 Guppy per 1 liter isn’t good. As mentioned already I recommend at least 5 liters (1.32 US gallon or 1.09 Imperial gallon) per Guppy.