How many female INTJs are there?
How many female INTJs are there?
“INTJ is the rarest personality type for women.” In fact, at about 0.5 percent of the population, INTJ women might be the rarest of any gender/type combination (perhaps only rivaled by INFJ men). That means, as an INTJ woman, you could easily go your whole life and meet only a few other women like you.
What are female INTJs like?
Women who identify with the INTJ personality type are typically independent, confident and happy alone. They are goal-oriented and are constantly working on personal and professional projects. But in a group, they tend to navigate the territory differently from other women.
How many types of INTJs are there?
The identity trait divides INTJs into two subtypes, Assertive and Turbulent. The difference between INTJ-A and INTJ-T is mainly seen as how they express their ambitions, deal with unexpected changes, and interact with other people.
Are INTJs the rarest?
INTJ is the third rarest type in the population, and the rarest type among women (with ENTJ). INTJs make up: 2% of the general population.
Who is attracted to INTJ female?
ENFPs and ENTPs are the best matches for an INTJ. 1. INTJ – ENFP.
What is the rarest personality type among females?
For women, however, the rarest personality type is INTJ and ENTJ. Just 1% of women type as INTJ and ENTJ respectively. Among women, INFJ is only the third rarest personality type with approximately 2% of women categorized as INFJ. Both INTJ women and ENTJ women are extremely rare in the general population.
Who Should an INTJ woman marry?
Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the INTJ’s natural partner is the ENFP, or the ENTP. INTJ’s dominant function of Introverted Intuition is best matched with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Intuition.
Can INTJ be 5w4?
Generally speaking, INTJs are more apt to have a 6 wing (i.e., 5w6) and INTPs a 4 wing (i.e., 5w4). The 5w4 is the more subjective Five subtype. Like the Enneagram type 4, 5w4s are driven to understand their own personality, routinely exploring their identity and life’s purpose.
How do INTJ females flirt?
INTJs work best when they are being upfront, giving them a chance to share their minds with someone. Their best way of flirting is just by a show of their intelligence, which will likely intrigue their love interest.”