How many errands are there Ni no Kuni?

Whatever the case, there’s plenty to keep you busy. With 136 of them, there’s much more to come back to should you ever hunger for just a bit more content.

How many side quests are there in Ni no Kuni?

175 side quests
Ni no Kuni 2 is packed with 175 side quests on top of the main story to complete, so here’s a check-list of where they can all be found, and their recommended levels.

Where can I find kindness Ni no Kuni?

Guide. The shopkeeper east of the Cawtermaster is in dire need of kindness. There’s none available in the town of fairies – odd – so you’ll have to wait until you progress further in the story and return it whenever possible. The kindness becomes available in Ding Dong Dell after defeating the Candelabracadabra.

What is an errand quest?

Errands are similar to Side Quests, only much smaller and generally require only one task to be done before completion. A list of all Errands can be found below. Click each one to find more detailed information. Quest. Recommended Level.

Can you teleport in Nino Kuni?

Travel (テレポート Teleport) is an everyday spell that transports the caster instantaneously to a location they have visited before. You get this spell from Marcassin after mending his heart….Kirby and the Forgotten Land – The Loop.

Romaji Teleport
Spell Type Everyday
Effect Shape

How do I get Bluesky Button tops?

Bluesky Buttontops can be obtained from Makronos, once you gain the ship, but it might be easier to get them from the Branching/Spreading Lumberyard in Evermore, once you’ve leveled it to two.

Where can I buy a Grade 5 Hybrid bow?

the Evermore Weapon Workshop
After completing recruiting Nu Bi, speak with him in Evermore. He requests you bring him a hybrid bow of grade 5 or higher. To do so, go to the Evermore Weapon Workshop and upgrade a hybrid bow in your inventory 5 times. You may have some troubles acquiring all the materials to do so.

How do you get a travel spell in Ni no Kuni?

You get this spell from Marcassin after mending his heart. Upon entering Ara Memoriae, every location available by Travel will have opened up. These locations are: Ding Dong Dell.