How many endings does haunting ground have?

There are four different endings the player can receive depending on certain choices they made. They are ranked according to preference, with ending A being the most desirable and ending D being the worst.

Is Haunting Ground a clock tower game?

After Clock Tower 3, Capcom’s studio developed Haunting Ground. While technically not an official Clock Tower game, it is still connected to the Clock Tower series as a “spin-off spiritual successor” since it was made with many of the team members who worked on Clock Tower 3.

Is Haunting Ground playable in Japanese?

It’s only available in Japanese PSN though and the US released has not been confirmed yet. Hopefully there will be soon.

Is Haunting Ground a good game?

It’s a cult classic, but it deserves to just be a classic! It deserves the same level of attention as other games of its time, especially since Resident Evil 4 has been remade numerous times throughout the last decade, while Haunting Ground hasn’t been touched once.

Is Haunting Ground Good Reddit?

It is one of the most memorable horror games I have ever played, and the best thing is: It aged really well. Running at smooth 60fps really helps with playability and when you compare it to other non-60fps games from the Playstation 2 era – you can really tell that good performance determines how well a game ages.

Is Haunting Ground on PC?

The Haunted Grounds is targeted for PC platforms, with ultra realistic graphics. It provides a new take on the psychological horror genre, with stunning graphics.

Is Haunting Ground connected to re4?

Haunting Ground, known in Japan as Demento (デメント, demento?), is a survival horror game developed by Capcom. Its script was based on the “Castle” script for Resident Evil 4 written by Noboru Sugimura.

Is Haunting Ground on PS now?

Is Haunting Ground PS4/PS5 Happening? Right now Capcom has not announced any plans for a Haunting Ground PS4/PS5 release, be it a complete revival of the series or a high-definition remaster. It’s a shame too, as there’s definitely a strong following behind the game and it’s pretty unique compared to most horror games.

Why is haunting grounds so expensive?

However, because of lower than expected sales, there are not many copies of Haunting Ground floating around. That means prices for the game have surged on eBay. One factory sealed copy of the game sold for $260 back in August.

Is Haunting Ground worth playing?