How many drops do you put in a pool test kit?

Test the Pool’s pH Levels This solution is sodium thiosulfate, a chlorine neutralizer. Add five drops of Solution 2, a phenol red indicator, and mix by gently swirling. Compare the color with the pH color standards on the plastic tester to determine the pH level of your pool water.

How long do you leave pool test strips in the water?

To use the test strips, dip them into your pool water and remove immediately. Hold the test strip level for about 15 seconds, and then the colors should appear for each chemical value. You can then compare the colors with the included chart on the bottle of the strips.

How do you read a chlorine test strip?

Simply dip one test strip into pool or spa water at elbow’s depth and remove immediately. Shake once to remove excess water. Hold strip level and visually compare the strip to the color chart included on the bottle. Select the corresponding test result colors within 15 seconds of wetting.

How do I balance the pH level in my pool?

The basics include:

  1. Always take proper precautions and wear proper Personal Protective Equipment when balancing pH.
  2. Add soda ash if your pool’s pH level is below 7.2. Add Muriatic Acid or Sodium Bisulfate if it’s above 7.8.
  3. Continue to add appropriate product until your water has a pH level of 7.2-7.8 (ideally 7.4-7.6).

How do you read pool test strip results?

Does adding chlorine increase pH?

Using liquid chlorine raises the pH of the water. Liquid chlorine does not raise pH. When added to water, liquid chlorine (which has a pH of 13) makes HOCl (hypochlorous acid – the killing form of chlorine) and NaOH (sodium hydroxide), which raises pH.

What color should a chlorine test strip be?

The pads will change color to indicate Total Chlorine (white pad on end) and Free Chlorine (yellow pad).