How many chapters are in the Scorch Trials?


# Title Chapters
1 The Maze Runner 62
2 The Scorch Trials 65
3 The Death Cure 73
4 The Kill Order 69

How many pages is the Scorch Trials?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780385738767
Publisher: Random House Children’s Books
Publication date: 09/13/2011
Series: Maze Runner Series
Pages: 400

How many pages is crank Palace?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781626015678
Publisher: Riverdale Avenue Books
Publication date: 09/23/2020
Series: Maze Runner Series
Pages: 168

Will Maze Runner 4 come out?

Currently, there are no known plans to continue the franchise with a fourth movie.

Is The Maze Runner on Netflix?

Unfortunately if you a Netflix user from the US, none of the Maze Runner films are currently available for you to watch, although this could change in the future. If you live in Canada on the other hand, the first film is accessible on Netflix.

What was Chuck’s name before the Maze?

Charles (better known as Chuck) was a Slopper who befriended Thomas in the Maze. He was basically Thomas’ best friend and the little brother he never had.

How old is Minho in the maze runner?


Age 17
Occupation Keeper of the Runners (formerly) Title (The Leader)
Gender Male
Fate Alive
Type Immune