How many chapters are in geography of class 9?

6 chapters
NCERT Books for Class 9 Geography consists of a total of 6 chapters, which includes topics such as Drainage, India – Size and Location, Climate, etc.

What is the name of geography book of class 9th?

CBSE Geography textbook Contemporary India I for class 9 is published by National Council for Educational Research and Training. It is the main textbook in Geography for Class IX.

What is the name of Chapter 1 geography class 9?

India-Size And Location
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 – “India-Size And Location” contains the solutions to the exercises given in ‘Contemporary India’.

What is the name of Chapter 2 geography class 9th?

Physical Features of India
Physical Features of India Summary NCERT Geography Class 9, Chapter 2 – Physical Features of India discusses the major physical features of the country, which includes land, plateau, mountains, deserts and islands.

What is the syllabus of Class 9?

There are the main 5 subjects in class 9 CBSE syllabus namely, Science, Maths, Social Science, English, and Hindi.

Which geography book is best for class 9?

Contemporary India 1 Textbook In Geography For Class 9 (Paperback, Experts’ Panel)

  • Author: Experts’ Panel.
  • 74 Pages.
  • Publisher: NCERT.

What is the price of Ncert books of Class 9?

Pricelist of NCERT Books for class 9

Books Price
Mathematics 135/-
Science 135/-
India & Contemporary World – History 115/-
Contemporary India – Geography 50/-

What is the size of India?

1.269 million mi²India / Area

It is the seventh-largest country in the world, with a total area of 3,287,263 square kilometres (1,269,219 sq mi). India measures 3,214 km (1,997 mi) from north to south and 2,933 km (1,822 mi) from east to west.

What is the size of India Class 9?

approximately 3.28 million square kilometres
India’s total size is approximately 3.28 million square kilometres. The land boundary of India is almost 15200 kilometres in length. But the total length of the coastline including two islands is almost 7516.6 kilometres. Mountains surround the northern part of India.

What are the 5 physical features of India?

The physical features of India can be divided into six categories, depending on their geological features:

  • The Himalayan Mountains.
  • The Northern Plains.
  • Indian Desert.
  • Peninsular Plateau.
  • Coastal Plains.
  • Islands.

What are the 6 physical features of India?

The six physical features of India are:

  • (1) The Himalayan mountains.
  • (2) The Northern plains.
  • (3) Indian Desert.
  • (4) Peninsular plateau.
  • (5) Coastal Plains.
  • (6) Islands.