How many calories are in Mount Royal Light whiskey?

Mount Royal Bagel Factory

Nutrition Facts
For a Serving Size of 1.5 fl oz
How many calories are in Canadian Whisky, Light? Amount of calories in Canadian Whisky, Light: Calories 68.8 Calories from Fat 0 (0%)
% Daily Value *
How much fat is in Canadian Whisky, Light? Amount of fat in Canadian Whisky, Light: Total Fat 0g

Is Rye Whiskey high in calories?

In a single ounce, these classic spirits contain roughly 64 calories, most of which are due to the alcohol.

How many calories are in a shot of rye whiskey?

How Many Calories Are In An Ounce Of Rye Whiskey? It is tequila, rum, vodka, whiskey, and gin that we are talking about. In a single ounce, these classic spirits contain roughly 64 calories, most of which are due to the alcohol.

How many calories are in Crown Royal rye whiskey?

Nutrition Facts

Calories 96 (401 kJ)
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 0 g 0%
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0%
Sugars 0 g

Is Mount Royal Light a rye whiskey?

Mount Royal Ultra Premium Limited Edition Light Canadian Rye Whisky.

How much alcohol is in Mount Royal Light?

Product description. Mount Royal Light, a 54-proof liquor with one-third less alcohol and one-third fewer calories than regular 80-proof whiskey. This specialty liquor contains Canadian whiskey.

Which is the least fattening alcohol?

According to research, vodka is the alcohol with the lowest calories, at around 100 calories per shot. Whisky is slightly more, at roughly 110 calories, with gin and tequila also at 110 calories a shot.

Is there sugar in Crown Royal whiskey?

According to Diageo, the company that owns the brand, a 35 milliliter (1.18 fluid ounces) serving of regular Crown Royal contains 77 calories and 11 grams of alcohol. It contains no carbs or sugar. It is 40 percent alcohol by volume or 80 proof.

What is Mount Royal Light?

Canada- Mount Royal Light is a specialty liqueur with Canadian whisky. It may not be light in color but it is “”light”” in just about everything else. It contains a third less alcohol and calories than an 80 proof whisky.

What proof is Mount Royal Light whiskey?

Product Description. Mount Royal Light, a 54-proof liquor with one-third less alcohol and one-third fewer calories than regular 80-proof whiskey.