How many calories are in a KFC leg and thigh?

KFC Nutrition (Updated: May 2022)

Food Calories Cholesterol
Grilled Chicken – Drumstick 90 60mg
Grilled Chicken – Thigh Nutrition 170 90mg
Grilled Chicken – Whole Wing 80 50mg
Original Recipe Chicken – Breast 360 110mg

How many carbs are in a Kentucky Fried Chicken Crispy thigh?

Nutrition Facts

Calories 330 (1381 kJ)
Cholesterol 100 mg 33%
Sodium 700 mg 29%
Total Carbohydrate 9 g 3%
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0%

How many calories are in a KFC skinless thigh?

Kentucky Fried Chicken Original Recipe Thigh Meat Only Skin And Breading Removed (1 thigh, without skin) contains 0g total carbs, 0g net carbs, 9g fat, 22.1g protein, and 170 calories.

How many calories are in Kentucky Fried Chicken Crispy?

Kentucky Fried Chicken Crispy Strips (1 strip) contains 6.4g total carbs, 5.8g net carbs, 7.2g fat, 9.5g protein, and 129 calories.

How many calories are in 3 pieces of KFC chicken?

Energy: 970 calories

Protein 65.8g
Carbs 52.8g
Fat 53.3g

What is the healthiest thing to eat at KFC?

Best Chicken: Kentucky Grilled Chicken Compared to the restaurant’s original recipe, extra crispy option, and spicy crispy offering, the grilled chicken breast clocked in with significantly less calories (180 vs. 390) and just 6 grams of fat (compared to 23 grams).

Is KFC chicken without skin healthy?

Avoiding chicken wings, which contain a large amount of fatty skin, can also help shave calories. At KFC, a breast and wing of roasted chicken contain 335 calories and about 19 grams of fat. “But if you remove the skin and the wing, it has 199 calories and 5.9 grams of fat,” said KFC spokeswoman Jean Litterst.

How many calories are in a KFC chicken leg?

There are 120 calories in 1 piece of KFC Original Recipe Chicken Leg.

What is the lowest calorie item at KFC?

There are 71 calories in each serve of KFC Regular Potato & Gravy. They’re not called “Mashed Potato”, probably because they’re not mashed in the traditional sense. It might not be the healthiest food on this list, but this is KFC’s lowest calorie menu item.

What is the healthiest meal at KFC?

Most Nutritious Option For the healthiest dish at KFC, opt for the grilled chicken wings, which deliver 70 calories per wing thanks to the cooking method.