How many calories are in 8 pieces of nigiri?

Calories in Nigiri sushi: Nigiri sushi averages around 40-65 calories per single piece depending on the type of fish. Whitefish, seabass and crab tend toward the lower end of the range with fattier fish like eel, mackerel and salmon trending higher.

How many calories are in 6 pieces of nigiri?


Nutrition Facts
For a Serving Size of 5 ounces (141.75g)
How many calories are in Nigiri Sushi, 6 Pieces? Amount of calories in Nigiri Sushi, 6 Pieces: Calories 300 Calories from Fat 27 (9%)
% Daily Value *
How much fat is in Nigiri Sushi, 6 Pieces? Amount of fat in Nigiri Sushi, 6 Pieces: Total Fat 3g

Is nigiri sushi high in calories?

Like sashimi, nigiri is lower in calories than many other types of sushi. One hundred grams (two pieces) of tuna nigiri contain (15): Calories: 117. Protein: 15 grams.

How many calories are in Salmon Sake Sushi?

Some of the nutritional benefits include: Protein, water, lipid, carbohydrate, ash, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, manganese, vitamin A (retinol), vitamin A (carotene), cholesterol and fatty acid….Benefits.

Name Salmon
Calories 56
Fat (g) 1.6
Total Carb (g) 8.2
Fiber (g) 0.6

How many calories is 6 pieces of sushi?

There are 223 calories in 6 pieces of Sushi.

How many calories are in 6 salmon nigiri?

Energy: 171 calories

Protein 9.4g
Carbs 22.3g
Fat 4.9g

How many calories are in 10 pieces of nigiri?

372 calories
There are 372 calories in 10 pieces of Sushi.

Is nigiri sushi good for weight loss?

If you are trying to lose weight, I advise women to stick to six pieces of nigiri or maki and men to eat nine pieces, along with miso soup or edamame and a salad. To feel satisfied, eat slowly and savour your sushi. If you’re prone to fluid retention or you have high blood pressure, go easy on the soy sauce.

How many calories are in salmon nigiri?

134 Calories

Fat 3.9 g
Carbs 16.7 g
Fiber 0.6 g
Protein 7.1 g

How many calories are in a piece of sushi?

There are 37 calories in 1 piece of Sushi….Other common serving sizes.

Serving Size Calories
1 piece 37
1 oz 41
100 g 143
1 cup 237