How many bomber planes were shot down in ww2?
How many bomber planes were shot down in ww2?
Aircraft losses were also grim: 10, 561 planes of varying types were shot down, 4754 of those were B-17 heavy bombers. The 390th Bomb Group lost 176 of its 275 assigned aircrafts.
How many Lancaster bombers lost in ww2?
The Avro Lancaster is a British four-engine heavy bomber used by the Royal Air Force and other Commonwealth air forces during World War II. Of the 7,377 aircraft built, 3,736 were lost during the War (3,249 in action and 487 in ground accidents).
How many RAF aircrew died in ww2?
During the Second World War, the RAF reached a total strength of 1,208,000 men and women, of whom 185,000 were aircrew. About 70,000 RAF personnel were killed. The fact files in this timeline were commissioned by the BBC in June 2003 and September 2005. Find out more about the authors who wrote them.
How many b29 were shot down over Japan?
Perhaps as many as 100,000 Japanese were dead, almost 16 square miles of the city destroyed, and a million people homeless. Not all the B-29 crews made it back safely to their home bases.
How many b52 were shot down?
Ten B-52s were shot down over the North and five others were damaged and crashed in Laos or Thailand. Thirty-three B-52 crew members were killed or missing in action, another 33 became prisoners of war, and 26 more were rescued.
How many Lancaster bombers survive?
17 Lancasters
Today, 17 Lancasters survive around the world, but only two are in flying condition. The Museum’s Lancaster Mk.
How many bombers did Germany have in ww2?
Aircraft strength was 4,201 operational aircraft: 1,191 bombers, 361 dive bombers, 788 fighters, 431 heavy fighters, and 488 transports.
How many German fighters were shot down by bombers?
The United States claimed that they destroyed 241 German fighters, broken-down as follows: bomber crews claimed 210 and their fighter escort claimed 31. German records show they lost 39 fighters. The USAAF overclaimed by more than 500 percent.
How many B 24 Crews died?
That is the relevant consideration for this account. Of the 3,885 crewmen aboard B-‐17 Flying Fortresses that went down, 2,114 (54.4 %) did not survive; 866 of the 1,228 on B-‐24 Liberators (71.3%) died; 190 of the 236 (80.0%) fighter pilots who went down perished.
What were the results of Bomber Command?
The successes of Bomber Command were purchased at terrible cost. Of every 100 airmen who joined Bomber Command, 45 were killed, 6 were seriously wounded, 8 became Prisoners of War, and only 41 escaped unscathed (at least physically). Of the 120,000 who served, 55,573 were killed including over 10,000 Canadians.
What was the loss rate of bomber operations in WW2?
The overall loss rate for Bomber Command operations was 2.2 percent, but loss rates over Germany were significantly higher; from November 1943 – March 1944, losses averaged 5.1 percent. The highest loss rate (11.8 percent) was incurred on the Nuremberg raid (30 March 1944).
How many airmen and airwomen died in Bomber Command?
In recent years various figures have been bandied about as to how many airmen, and airwomen, died while serving with Bomber Command, the general consensus of opinion settling on ‘55,500’. The first question now must be; from where did this figure originate?
Did Bomber Command have a higher casualty rate than Fighter Command?
Only the Nazi U-Boat force suffered a higher casualty rate. On a single night, Bomber Command suffered more losses than did Fighter Command during the entire Battle of Britain. The loss rate varied greatly as the war progressed and was considerably lower as the end of the war approached in late 1944 and early 1945.