How many bits can a bin hold?

A carrier bin needs a minimum of 2 bits = 6dB of SNR to be usable for adsl1 or 3dB for adsl2/2+. With bit swapping the router can swap the bits around and redistribute the bits to other channels by using any spare SNR at other frequencies or increasing the gain.

What is seamless rate adaptation?

Seamless Rate Adaptation (SRA) SRA software allows modems to make seamless data transfer rate changes to avoid dropping a connection. Modems are affected by cross talk from adjacent lines, as well as by other interference such as temperature changes and radio signals.

How many tones does DMT use for upstream and downstream in ADSL?

Main DMT-based DSL standards 992.1 (ADSL1) – speeds to 8 Mbps downstream and 800 kbps upstream (up to 6 km) using 256 tones.

What is robust overhead channel ROC?

‍ Save Our Showtime (SOS) and Robust Overhead Channel (ROC). ‍ They are designed to improve the stability of a VDSL2 line (the Very high-speed Digital Subscriber Line 2) by preventing dropouts due to sudden large noise bursts. The NBN has advised the changes will take place in January 2022.

Why do 8 bits make a byte?

The byte was originally the smallest number of bits that could hold a single character (I assume standard ASCII). We still use ASCII standard, so 8 bits per character is still relevant. This sentence, for instance, is 41 bytes. That’s easily countable and practical for our purposes.

Should I enable Bitswap and SRA?

Enable SRA (Seamless Rate Adaptation) for consistent data transfer rates and to prevent weak and lower connection , however, the down/up speed would be somewhat decreased. If your connection is very stable and you notice a drop in download or upload speed, you can disable SRA. This item enables Bitswap feature.

What is SRA in VDSL?

The VDSL2 standard specifies Seamless Rate Adaptation (SRA) as atechnique to be used when the noise profile on the line changes. SRAensures that the line bandwidth is reduced to ensure that there isadequate noise margin on the line.

What is DMT modulation?

Discrete Multitone (DMT) modulation is a multicarrier technique which makes efficient use of. the channel, maximizing the throughput by sending different numbers of bits on different. subchannels. The number of bits on each subchannel depends on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of. the subchannel.

What is SOS and ROC modem?

The two new functions, Save Our Showtime (SOS) and Robust Overhead Channel (ROC), are designed to improve the stability of an internet connection on FTTN/B by preventing dropouts due to line noise, ensuring a more reliable service.