How long should you wear TED hose after hip replacement surgery?

3. How long do I need to wear the TED hose (surgical stockings)? You should wear the compressive stockings for a full six weeks on both legs. You may take them off occasionally to wash them.

How should TED stockings be worn?

Ease the stocking over your foot and heel; ensure that your heel fits into the heel pocket (purple shaded area). Ease the rest of the stocking up over your ankle, calf and thigh • Smooth out any wrinkles and make sure the heel is in the heel pocket and the inspection hole is under your toes / ball of foot.

When can I bend to put socks on after hip replacement?

When Can You Bend Past 90 Degrees After Hip Replacement? You should not bend your hip beyond 60 to 90 degrees for the first six to 12 weeks after surgery. Do not cross your legs or ankles, either.

How long after hip replacement surgery Do I have to wear compression stockings?

If you did not get the stockings from the hospital you can purchase knee height, medium, compression, surgical stockings from any pharmacy shop. Try to wear them for 6 weeks if possible. This helps to reduce leg swelling and prevent blood clot formation in your legs.

Can I take my surgical stockings off for a few hours?

When compression stockings are recommended after surgery, they should usually be worn as much as possible, day and night, until you’re able to move around freely. Compression stockings are used after surgery to prevent blood clots developing in the leg, which is known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

When can I take off my TED hose?

You should wear your compression stockings during the day and take them off before going to bed. Put them on again first thing in the morning. You should be given at least 2 stockings, or 2 pairs if you’re wearing them on both legs.

Do I need to wear TED stockings at night?

How long after hip surgery do you have to wear compression stockings?