How long should a lacrosse goalie shaft be?

between 40 and 72 inches
By rule the men’s lacrosse goalie stick must be between 40 and 72 inches (102 to 183 cm) in length when measured from the bottom of the stick to the top of the head.

Why are box lacrosse goalie pads so big?

This extra padding is on both gloves and serves to also protect the inner wrist of the stick-hand, which is often exposed in the crouch position when wearing hockey gloves as a lacrosse goalie.

How long should a goalie shaft be?

between 40” to 72” long
Goalies are allowed by rule to have a combined stick length anywhere between 40” to 72” long. Generally, the ideal shaft for a goalie is 40 inches “without” the head. Goaltenders need extra length in their stick due to the fact that they need to clear the ball farther than the average player.

How heavy is a lacrosse goalie stick?

6-14 oz
The weight of a Lacrosse Goalie Stick is 6-14 oz (170-397 g). The Lacrosse Goalie Stick is the piece of equipment that is used by the goal keeper while playing the sport of Lacrosse. The main elements of a Lacrosse Goalie Stick are the head, pocket, and shaft.

Why are some lacrosse sticks longer?

The extra length of the long stick allows players to scoop up ground balls from farther away. In addition, long stick midfielders are also able to check the sticks of other opponents right as they are about to scoop up a loose ground ball.

What makes a lacrosse shaft illegal?

The exact location of the shooting strings on a lacrosse stick must also be placed within a distinct sector of the lacrosse head. Specifically, the shooting strings must fall within 4 inches from the top of the scoop. Any shooting string that goes beyond this 4 inch threshold makes the entire stick illegal.

Are wooden lacrosse shafts legal?

1) Wooden shafts are illegal. They are legal in the NCAA. To whit: “SECTION 18. The crosse shall be made of wood, laminated wood or synthetic material, with the head approximately perpendicular to the handle.” So it’s legal to use a whole wooden stick, not just a shaft.

Are lacrosse goalies fat?

Some goalies are definitely overweight in junior high or high school but can get away with it because of a lot of reps and lots of natural ball stopping ability.

Why do college lacrosse goalies not wear pads?

Early lacrosse goalies wore very little padding and thus the game has a tradition of lacrosse goalies not being well protected. With the game’s culture that way, many lacrosse goalies fear breaking that tradition for risk of being heckled, aka machismo.

Which way should a goalie stick curve?

The stick is held in the right hand and the goalie catches with their left hand. The curve is shaped in the same direction as a player’s left-handed stick.

How tall should a goalie stick be?

Paddle Height Goalie’s Height
24″ CCM 5″ – 5’9″
25″ CCM 5’7″ – 6’4″
26″ CCM 5’11” and Up
27″ CCM 6’4″ and Up