How long is the police academy in CA?

intensive format and is 24 weeks in length. It is generally a 4-10 work week (four days per week, ten hours per day), for a total of 942 hours of training. The schedule may change slightly during some weeks to accommodate training needs (range, emergency driving course, etc.).

How many hours of training do police need in California?

664 hours
How much training is enough? California law enforcement officers must complete at least 664 hours of POST-certified training.

How long is LAPD police training?

six months
If you are selected for the LAPD, you will be sent to the world famous LAPD Academy for six months of training. Training is rigorous, demanding and exhausting. It is also a rewarding life-changing experience.

What is required to become a police officer in California?

To become a police officer in California, you’ll need to be 18 years or older, a U.S. citizen, earn your high school diploma or GED, and have a valid driver’s license. You’ll also need to be in good physical condition. If you meet these requirements, fill out an application at a department where you’d like to work.

How much is the police academy in California?

Time to complete this education training ranges from 6 months to 6 months depending on the qualification, with a median time to complete of 6 months. The cost to attend Los Angeles Police Academy is $4,000. When asked how they paid for their training, most reviewers responded, “My company paid for my training”.

How many hours does it take to become a police officer in the US?

Police Academy The length of time required to complete academy training averaged 21 weeks, or 840 hours, as of 2003, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The Memphis Police Department Academy usually takes 22 weeks, or 880 hours, to complete.

How hard is it to get into LAPD?

In Fiscal Year 2016–17, that number only changed slightly to 4.2 percent of applicants going on to the LAPD Academy. The process remains highly selective, competitive Page 3 and still seeks out the best of the best to become LAPD officers.

How do I become a LAPD?

Candidates must be at least 21 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED, and be a US citizen or permanent resident alien who has applied for citizenship. One does not have to be a resident of Los Angeles to become an LAPD officer.