How long is the luck of the Vale event?

The Luck of the Vale event runs through April 24th, and concludes on April 25th at 8:00 AM Mountain Time. It will not be possible to earn additional Magic Eggs after this time, but the Burcadian Bazaar will remain open for two additional days so you can spend any leftover Magic Eggs you may have.

What dragons take 36 hours to breed?

Breeding Time

Time Dragons
24 hours Justice, Sun, Luminsicent, Gaia, Photon, Rainbow, Cold Star, Fallen Angel
30 hours War
32 hours Prisma, Ice&Fire, Two Headed
36 hours Colossal, Juggernaut, Leviathan, Red Woods, Tesla, Dark Stone, Nightwind, Panzer, Elfic

How long do double rainbow dragons take to breed?

Raise a Floppa – The Loop

Double Rainbow Dragon
Breeding Times 48 H
Incubation Time 60 H
Positive Boost Unaffected

How do you breed a luck of the Vale Dragon?

Breeding. The Luck Dragon can be bred using a Clover Dragon and Misfortune Dragon, in either order, at any Breeding Cave.

What is the fastest dragon to breed?

Terra is the fastest at 15 seconds, but both parents have to be terra dragons to avoid other outcomes with longer breeding times. If you don’t want to have two terras you could breed a sea using sea and poseidon at 30 seconds. Two Terra’s are not triggering it.

What can you breed with a moon dragon?

The moon dragon is a silvery colored dragon that needs to be placed in the moon habitat in your DragonVale park. This dragon can be bred using various different combinations of cold and lightning.

How do you get a pearlescent dragon in Dragonvale?

The Pearlescent Dragon can be bred by using a Prism Dragon with the Light trait and a Starwing Dragon with the Dark trait, in either order, at the Rift Breeding Cave. This dragon can only be bred within the rift.