How long is the drive from Canada to Florida car ride?

How long is the drive from Toronto, Canada to Florida? The total driving time is 20 hours, 45 minutes. Your trip begins in Toronto, Canada. It ends in the state of Florida.

What road goes from Florida to Canada?

U.S. Route 1
North end Route 161 at the Fort Kent–Clair Border Crossing
Country United States
States Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine

Where should I stop on a road trip to Florida?

Places to stop on a Florida road trip

  1. Orlando. From St.
  2. Cape Canaveral. Head out of Orlando along the FL-528 E and you’ll reach Florida’s Space Coast in around 45 minutes.
  3. Fort Lauderdale.
  4. Miami.
  5. Marco Island.
  6. Naples.
  7. Cape Coral.
  8. Tampa.

Where can I sleep and drive across Canada?

The Cross-Canada Drive.

  • The Gentle Isle: Prince Edward Island.
  • The Cowboy Trail: Calgary to Waterton Lakes National Park.
  • Klondike Gold Rush: Whitehorse to Dawson City.
  • BC Road Trip.
  • Where should I sleep on a road trip in Canada?

    Where is it legal to sleep in your car?

    • Rest areas. Many rest areas let you park to rest for a limited amount of time, although many prohibit parking for a full night’s sleep.
    • Campgrounds. This option won’t cost as much as a full-blown hotel but gives you the freedom to camp in your tent or car.
    • 24-hour retailers.

    What is the best day of the week to drive to Florida?

    If you decide to do this road trip, I highly recommend traveling on a Saturday or Sunday, when you won’t run into normal rush hour traffic. The other recommendation I have is to leave super early in the morning. For both drives, we were on the road by 4:45 am.