How long is recovery from lower body lift?

You will need to take at least two weeks off of work and will have to restrict normal activity for 4-6 weeks. You will have to wait approximately 6-8 weeks before you can resume exercise. Swelling should begin to disappear in a matter of weeks and resolve completely in a few months.

How do you sleep after a lower body lift?

Generally speaking, patients should plan to sleep with both their upper body and legs slightly elevated after lower body lift surgery to avoid pulling on their incisions, stretching their muscles, and otherwise disturbing the healing tissues.

Does belt lipectomy include tummy tuck?

A belt lipectomy is a combination procedure that includes a tummy tuck as one component. The incision/scar is then extended circumferentially around the posterior waistline over the upper buttock to provide elevation of sagging outer hips and buttock tissues.

How painful is a lower body lift?

Pain is a very common side effect following any sort of surgery, especially a major body lift procedure. The pain is centered around the parts of the body that were operated on and tends to be most pronounced and noticeable in the first few days after surgery, becoming much less of an issue as recovery continues.

How do you prepare for a lipectomy belt?

The week before your surgery:

  1. Arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you.
  2. Ask your surgeon if you need to stop using aspirin or any other medicine before your surgery.
  3. Bring your medicine bottles or a list of your medicines when you see your surgeon.
  4. You may need blood or urine tests before your surgery.

When can I go back to work after a lower body lift?

You cannot go back to work for at least two weeks after which you may start working from home. You will have to restrict normal activity for 4-6 weeks. Complication rates are low provided that proper pre-operative and post-operative instructions, especially those about walking, are followed.

Does a lower body lift include thighs?

A lower body lift includes the removal of excess skin, fat, and tissue in the lower abdomen, as well as the reshaping and tightening of your thighs, buttocks, and flanks, according to Parcells.

How long does swelling last after lower lift?

Most patients can expect the majority of their swelling to dissipate after 3 – 4 weeks.

How should I sleep after lipectomy belt?

When you go home, continue to sleep with the head of the bed elevated and your knees bent for the first 24 hours. You can elevate your head by using 4-5 pillows under your upper body. You will need to continue to sleep with your upper body at a 45 degree angle for a minimum of 4 weeks after your surgery.

How much is a belt lipectomy?

There are many factors that can determine the cost of a Belt Lipectomy. However, you should expect to pay between $10,000 and $15,000.

How long after lower body lift can I take a bath?

No tub baths or Jacuzzi until your incisions have healed, and approved by your surgeon, which is usually around 3-4 weeks.