How long is OSUT training?

14 to 22 weeks
22-week infantry OSUT set to increase lethality, with more career fields to follow. FORT BENNING, Ga. — The Army has permanently broadened one-station unit training for infantry Soldiers from 14 to 22 weeks, with more combat arms career fields expected to follow the charge.

How long is OSUT for 11X?

Individuals who enlist under the 11X Infantry option attend Infantry OSUT (One Station Unit Training), which combines Army Basic Training and Infantry AIT (Advanced Individual Training), all in one 14-week course.

How long is OSUT 11B?

13 weeks, 3 days
Education, Training & Certification OSUT for 11B, Infantryman is 13 weeks, 3 days at Fort Benning, Georgia.

Does OSUT include basic training?

What is “OSUT”? Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) combines Basic Combat Training (BCT) with Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one location at Fort Benning. Soldiers stay with the same class throughout Infantry training.

How long is 11c OSUT?

Twenty-two weeks
Twenty-two weeks of One Station Unit Training, which includes Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and part in the field at Fort Benning, GA. Your skills are kept sharp with frequent squad maneuvers, target practice and war games.

How long is 11C OSUT?

Do you get leave after OSUT?

Yes. Upon completion of the graduation ceremonies, your new Soldier receives a short period of leave. He is free to go home with you, unless follow-on training is scheduled.

Can you fail OSUT?

What happens if my Soldier fails a portion of BCT/OSUT? If your new Soldier is unable to adequately pass a required event, the company commander will talk to the Soldier’s Drill Sergeant and with the company First Sergeant and they decide what will be the proper action to take.

What time do you wake up in OSUT?

You’ll get up at 5 a.m. every single day. Waking up in the morning is an adjustment process that’s the same for every single basic training class. When you first arrive, the drill instructors require a lot of noise, yelling and jostling to get everyone out of the rack.

How long is 12b OSUT?

14 weeks
Job training for a combat engineer requires 14 weeks of One Station Unit Training, which includes Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. Part of this time is spent in the classroom, and part takes place in the field with on-the-job instructions. Some of the skills you’ll learn are: Basic demolitions.

Do you get weekends off in Osut?

Phase IV (weeks 1 through 3 of AIT or weeks 10 through 13 of OSUT). Off-post day passes on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) may be authorized. IET soldiers must remain within a 50-mile radius of the post, and all passes must end NLT 2200 hours.