How long is Cunninghams Gap?

The walk is 10 km return. So basically it is 5 kms uphill to the peak. However it is not that difficult if you are reasonably fit and take your time. It is also a great workout for people who are really fit.

Who is Cunninghams Gap named after?

Cunningham had noted the gap 20 years earlier but had not suggested its use for transport. Alan Cunningham named Spicers Gap and peak after Peter Spicer, Superintendent of convicts, because he identified the peak while looking for escaped convicts from the Moreton Bay penal settlement.

Where is Cunninghams Gap?

Queensland, Australia
Cunninghams Gap is a pass over the Great Dividing Range between the Darling Downs and the Fassifern Valley in Queensland, Australia. The Gap is the major route over the Main Range along the Great Dividing Range, between Warwick and Brisbane.

When did Cunningham find the gap?

The Brisbane Courier, 10th May 1927. A hundred years ago the famous Australian explorer, Allan Cunningham, discovered a gap leading to the Darling Downs, and, passing through it a vast territory of fertile land….Details.

Monument Type: Monument
Actual Event End Date: 11-June-1827

Is Cunningham Gap still closed?

⚠️CUNNINGHAM HIGHWAY OPEN ⚠️ The Cunningham Highway is now re-opened. This means you can now travel from Brisbane/Gold Coast to Stanthorpe via Cunningham’s Gap.

Is Cunninghams Gap steep?

It is located in Tregony in the Southern Downs Region immediately beside the boundary to Tarome in the Scenic Rim Region local government area. The highway itself is a scenic drive although steep with an 8 degree grade on the descent.

Is the Cunningham Highway open from Warwick to Brisbane?

Southern Downs and Granite Belt ROAD CLOSURE UPDATE // Please note, the Cunningham Highway is now fully re-opened. ✅ If you’re travelling from Brisbane or the Gold Coast, the Cunningham Highway is your fastest route to our region.

Does Cunningham Highway flood?

Cunningham Highway, Wheatvale. Flooding – All lanes affected, Both directions.

How steep is the Toowoomba range?

Route description It deviates north-west passing up the range at a maximum gradient of 6%. After travelling for approximately 15 km the road passes over an 800-metre viaduct and then through a 30-metre cutting, passing under the New England Highway at the top of the range.

Is Cunninghams Gap closed?

Is the Bruce Highway open from Mackay to Brisbane?

The Bruce highway is now open both ways at Gin Gin, which means that you can drive from Rockhampton to Brisbane, and supplies can get through.

Is the Cunninghams Gap closed?