How long is a second class airman medical certificate good for?

The Second class medical is valid for commercial privileges for 12 months. A Third class medical certificate is appropriate for student pilots, recreational pilots, and private pilots who fly for pleasure or personal business (but not for hire).

What is a second class medical certificate?

Class 2 medical certificates are for commercial, non-airline pilot-in-command duties as well as private pilot duties. This certificate would be required of crop dusters, charter pilots, corporate pilots, airline first officers and anyone else who flies commercially.

What is a Class 2 FAA medical exam?

2nd Class Medical Certificate A second-class medical is required for: Airline pilots exercising second-in-command privileges of an airline transport pilot certificate (aside from the aforementioned for first-class medical) Pilots utilizing privileges of their commercial pilot certificate.

What class is airman medical certificate?

Third-class, although any class will suffice. Medical certificates are designated as first-class, second-class, or third-class. Generally, first-class is designed for the airline transport pilot; second-class for the commercial pilot; and third-class for the student, recreational and private pilot.

How long is a second class medical good for under 40?

Second-class medicals are valid for two years for pilots exercising commercial pilot privileges. For others (private or recreational pilot or flight instructor), a second-class medical is valid for five years if under age 40, and two years if over age 40.

What happens if my FAA medical expire?

Commercial pilots — that is, pilots who are paid to fly — must update their medical certificates annually, according to federal regulations. If caught with an expired medical certificate, pilots face fines or revocation of flying privileges, according to the FAA.

How long is aviation medical good for?

The first class medicals of pilots conducting operations requiring an ATP certificate who are over the age of 40 at the time of their FAA medical examination continue to be valid for 6 months. The third class medicals of pilots over 40 at the time of their examination are valid for 24 months.

What does an aviation medical exam consist of?

This entails checking your eyesight, including your peripheral vision, nearsightedness, farsightedness, and color vision. The examiner will also perform a hearing test to determine if you’re able to hear at the most basic level. Prior to doing a general physical, the examiner will go over the following: Health issues.

What is a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate?

There are four classes of medical certificate holders, Class I, Airline Transport and Commercial Pilots. Class II medical certificate holders include Private Pilots, Student Pilots and Cabin Crew.

How long are aviation medical good for?

What FAA medical certificate do I need?

Until now, the FAA has required private, recreational, and student pilots, as well as flight instructors, to meet the requirements of and hold a third class medical certificate. They are required to complete an online application and undergo a physical examination with an FAA-designated Aviation Medical Examiner.

Can a third class airman be issued special medical certification?

However, based on the complete review of the available medical evidence, I have determined that you may be granted authorization for special issuance of Third-class airman medical certification under Section 67.401 of the FARs.

What is 2nd class medical for pilots?

A Second class is required for pilots who fly commercially—in operations such as crop dusting, delivering canceled checks, or carrying passengers or cargo for hire. The Second class medical is valid for commercial privileges for 12 months.

What is airman medical standards and certification procedures?

The Airman Medical Standards and Certification Procedures, FAR Part 67, is a maze of medical and legal language that is, in some respects, clear and concise, and, in others, very general and vague.

Is a copy of an airman medical certificate valid?

An airman medical certificate is valid only with the original signature of the AME who performed the examination or digital signature of an authorized FAA physician (e.g., Regional Flight Surgeon, manager of the Aerospace Medical Certification Division, Federal Air Surgeon). Copies are NOT valid.